Hotarus Visit

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Hotaru knocked on the door of her older brothers house. "Enji! Can I please come in? I haven't seen my big brother in years!!! Come on, please!!" Hotaru pleaded.

The door in front of her opened slightly, but Enji wasn't there. Instead, there was a teenage boy with half red hair, half white, and a burn scar over his light blue eye.

"Who are you?" He asked.

"I'm Hotaru! I'm Enji- oh, excuse me, Endeavors little sister! I've been too busy to come visit for the last fifteen-ish years, so I came for a visit!" I told the boy.

"His sister? Father never mentioned he had a sister." The boy claimed.

"Hm. Oh, how dare he!!!!" Hotaru fumed.

"Who's at the door, Shoto?" A heavy voice asked behind him.

"She says she's your sister." Shoto said as he opened the door fully and got out of the way to reveal Enji.

"Hi, Enji!" Hotaru chimed.

"Hotaru? I haven't seen you in years! You should've come by anytime earlier. My kids would have loved to meet their aunt. Anyways, what brings you here now?" Enji greeted as he let Hotaru into his house.

"Well, my labs been transferred close to the area, so I thought I'd come by to visit! That's not a problem, is it?" Hotaru asked.

"Of course not! You're always welcomed to come over. Heck, I'd even let you live here if you needed somewhere to stay!" Enji claimed.

"Aw! Thank you! Anyways, is this one of you children." I asked, pointing to Shoto.

"Yes! In fact, he my most promising child, Shoto! He has both mine and his mother's quirk! He's proven to be very strong. Did you see him in the U.A. Festival for the first years? He won second place while only using his fire powers once. If he used both in every battle, he would've gotten first." Enji explained.

"Boasting fool." Hotaru thought.

"Oh, wow! That's so amazing! I wish I could've seen that, but alas, I was too busy with my research to notice anything going on within the world." Hotaru claimed.

"Might I ask what kind of thing you research on?" Shoto asked.

"Oh! I'm a researcher that identifies the quirk abilities in DNA. Haven't found anything new yet, but the idea of quirks is still fairly new, so I'm bound to find something. I'm hoping to find a way to have someone inherit a quirk so that quirkless people won't have to be quirkless anymore as so they won't be teased." Hotaru explained.

"An inherited quirk? That's interesting. Why do you want to find ways of inheriting quirks?" Shoto asked as Enji excused himself.

"Well, believe it or not, I'm actually quirkless, and a lot of people looked down on me. The feeling of not having a quirk sucks and I want to do something to fix that for every other quirkless kid who gets teased for not having one." Hotaru further explained.

"Have you had any luck?" Shoto asked.

"Not yet, but I'm bound to find my results eventually." Hotaru said while rubbing the top of Shotos head.

"Well, I hope you succeed. I must head off to school now. It was nice meeting you." Shoto said, then left for school.

Hotaru looked around and when she saw no one was watching, she quickly took out a plastic back and put a red and white hair she gained from Shotos head into the back and hid it in her pocket.

Soon after, Enji came back. "Sorry about that. I just got a distress call and need to go. If you wish, you can visit my wife in the hospital." He then proceeded to quickly give her the information about her room.

"No problem. I'll stop by again soon." Hotaru said, patting Enjis head and left.

Hotaru got into her car and put the strands of hair she got from him in the same bag she put Shotos hair in. After she got that done, she put the back away and went to see the sister-in-law she'd never met.


Hotaru entered into a hospital room to find a white haired woman sitting on her bed, first looking out the window, but then turning to her.

"Um, are you the wife of Endeavor?" Hotaru asked.

"Yes. Who is asking?" She answered.

"Oh! I'm Hotaru. I'm Enjis little sister. I'd never actually got to meet you, so I though it was about time I did. May I come in?" Hotaru asked.

"Oh, um. Yes. Come on in." She asked a little nervous.

"You don't have to be nervous around me. I can tell you really don't like my brother, and I don't blame you. He's not the greatest brother either." Hotaru reassures.

"That a relief, I guess. Anyways, I assume you have a fire quirk too?" She asked.

"Well, no. I actually don't have a quirk, but I'm doing research to find out if there's a way you can make quirks inheritable, so I might get one if I'm successful." I explained.

"How interesting. I just have a simple ice quirk." She responded.

"Um, is it alright if I brush your hair. It's not that it doesn't look nice, I'm just kind of a perfectionist." Hotaru offered.

"Oh, sure. Go ahead." She agreed.

She handed Hotaru her brush and Hotaru started brushing her hair.

"So, you're doing research. That means you're a scientist, right?" She asked.

"Yep. I'm also a doctor and a surgeon. So, if you or anyone you know needs a free check up, you can come find me." Hotaru proposed as she cleaned out some of the hairs in her brush, keeping a few selected ones.

"There! That's better. Anyways, I need to be getting back to my research now. It was nice meeting you!" Hotaru said.

"It was a pleasure meeting you too, Hotaru. Have a good day and good luck with your research." She waved.

Hotaru left the room and closed the door. Afterwords, she put her hair in the same bag and headed back to her lab.

"My plan is almost complete. Better watch your back, big brother." Hotaru mumbled to herself as she started driving away.

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