Grub Program Part 2

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Gamzee took the stand, still in his pajamas, hair mussed.  He smiled at the congregation.  "I'm thankfully for pie.  Cuz it's a motherf-" The microphone shorted out, and the bishop stood up.

He cleared his throat.  "Yes.  Thank you, Gamzee."

Gamzee protested, "But I wasn't done!"  He looked sad.  The bishop sighed, and checked the mic.  He nodded at Gamzee, ready to jump in at any point.

"I'm thankfully for pie.  It's a motherfriggin miracle.  It helps me choose the right, because it's pretty wicked, and I get to share it."  The bishop visibly sighed with relief, and nodded, smiling at Gamzee.  He sat down, and Gamzee stepped off the stand.

Sollux stood up, after being shoved by Karkat.  "I'm thankful for beeth, becauth they help me choose the right becauth they are cool and cute and they help the world, like we need to help the world."  He stepped down, and the congregation smiled at his lithp.  Err, lisp.

Karkat gulped.  It was his turn.  He stood up, and tugged at his turtleneck.  "Um, so, I'm thankful for my friends, because they help me choose the right because they are nice, and I can help them through my problems.  I mean, uh they're problems!  And they can help me through mine!  And, uh..."  His face was bright red, and he stepped down.  He hung his head, and took his seat with the rest of his class.

Terezi patted him on the back, saying he'd done good,  but he didn't believe her.  His dad was going to be so disappointed.

But when the program was finally over, and he walked up to the bishop, he picked him up.  "Karkat, you did so good!" he hugged him, and Karkat grinned.  All the grubs ran up to each of their parents, except for Vriska.

"Bishop Kankri, did I do good?"  Kankri nodded.

"Yes.  Good job, Vriska."  He put Karkat down, and he ran to class, a smile on his face the whole way.

Okay, so I decided, for this shot at least, to make their ancestors their parents, because it just worked.  For other shots, I may change it.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 17, 2017 ⏰

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