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When you said my name aloud to me on the shore where the trees have fallen victim to the shore line it shook my whole body awake. It felt like that first swim you take in spring where the water is still too cold to get into, but you just couldn't wait anymore. You jump in head first, not a fear in sight. The icy blue water surrounds you. Your hair stands on end so ready, so willing. When you told me you loved me the world stopped. I remember wishing I could lay there next to you forever, in that moment. When you told me to wait; every inch of my body screamed in protest, because suddenly I knew that you were the part of me I had been waiting for my whole life and as you walked away I knew half of me was leaving. I cried on the way home because I was lucky enough to find you. Some people wait their whole lives and then there you were. Everything I needed. I just hoped it wasn't my turn to break the way I had once broke you. I've had my fair share of what I thought love was. I usually called love pain. When a man didn't want me. I called love staying when a man hurt you, I called love the ache in my heart when I wasn't good enough, then you, I called love the trace of your fingers across my chin, so gentle and carefully thought out, I called love your lips on mine slow and steady needing it to be perfect, love is you looking me in the eyes and telling me you want me forever. love... you are love, you showed me love in a way that no one ever has and I cried right there in front of you, I showed you all the pain I had gone through trying to find you and wordlessly you knew that I needed your love and you were it, you could fix me and I hoped with every inch of me that you would, but you never did.

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