Cold- Gray*Juvia

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"You never call me Gray-sama anymore." Gray sat down on the rocks beside Juvia. They were on the rocky shoreline of Fiore, the place Juvia thought was secret and goes to when she's depressed the last months.

Until Gray discovered it.

"I miss it, you know. It made me feel special." Gray continued on.

Juvia didn't acknowledge him, just continued staring at the coastline.

"Look, Juvia. I know I've been pushing you away since... Since I knew you. But it was just because I was scared. I'm usually cool and aloof and not caring, but when I'm with you, I get all jittery and clumsy-"

"Gray doesn't need to apologize." Juvia said, forcing a smile. "Juvia gets it. Juvia is staying away from Gray. Juvia will even Fairy Tail tomorrow."

"Wha?" Gray shouted. "I don't mean it like that."

"Juvia already told Master. He doesn't understand, but he will allow it." Juvia looked down, teying to hide her tears. "Juvia's a pain in Gray's neck, anyway. Fairy Tail's better without Juvia."

"What are you saying?!" Gray took her by the shoulders, forcing her to look at him. "Juvia, you are not leaving Fairy Tail because of me!"

"It is not for Gray." she shook her head. "Juvia feels alone. Lucy-chan, Erza-sama... Levy-san... They helped Juvia out of depression, they tried. But Juvia isn't happy in Fairy Tail anymore."

Gray wanted to turn everything into ice. "No. Juvia, listen to me. Fairy Tail won't be the same without you. I... I would be the same without you. Don't leave me, Juvia." he blacked everything out and kissed her.

Juvia was surprised, but she quickly responded to his kiss. When they broke apart, Juvia shivered. "Your lips are cold... Juvia feels cold."

"I'm sorry!" Gray gushed, handing his cloak to Juvia.

"It's alright, Gray-sama." she smiled at him, the brightest smile Gray ever saw on her. "I like the cold."

A/N: This absolutely gave me the chills. I love Gruvia. Anyway... Requests, requests? And please vote!

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