chapter 25

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The Legendary Master's Wife by Yin Ya

Ridiculous fate.

South street, which is next to North street, is a famous street for magic herbs. It is just like North street, the only difference being that South street specializes in selling magic herbs. All types of magic herbs, as long as they are level six and below are available here. Most importantly, there are shops selling magic herb seeds on South street. The availability of magic herb seeds is similar to that for magic herbs, level six and below. But the amount of magic herb seeds is less than magic herbs, especially for high level ones. That's because the higher the level, the harder it is to grow from seeds. Furthermore the time it takes to mature is also much longer. Therefore, very few mages will buy magic herb seeds to grow. Most of them would buy seeds that are level three and below. Even so, the number of people who buy seeds are still very few. 

You XiaoMo wants to buy quite a lot of magic herb seeds. The shop with the most complete selection should probably the bigger magic herb shops. But he doesn't immediately go in. He asks around everywhere to roughly determine the prices for magic herb seeds before settling on the biggest magic herb shop ------- Orchid pavilion.

The Orchid pavilion shopfront is bigger than the wooden furnishings shop. Magic herbs and magic herb seeds are displayed separately. The are fewer customers buying magic herb seeds. Since seeds don't take up much space, the magic herb seeds only take up one shopfront. A few scattered customers are inside making their choices. 

When You XiaoMo walks in, an attendant immediately greets him. After explaining what he is here for, the attendant leads him right away to where the level one to level three magic herb seeds are. 

"Distinguished guest, you have come to right place. Our Orchid pavilion has the most complete selection of magic herb seeds in He Ping town. May I ask how much you would like to buy?" the attendant turns around and asks politely. 

You XiaoMo glances over the seeds on the shelves, saying "I would like to buy all the level two seeds. How many types of level two seeds do you have? How much are they?"

The attendant says, "Level two magic herb seeds, we have eighty types. Each type sold in small packets. We have one hundred seeds, two hundred seeds, five hundred seeds, one thousand seeds. Four choices. Every five hundred seeds costs one gold piece."

You XiaoMo calculates carefully for a moment. If he were to buy the five hundred seeds packet, eighty types will be eighty gold pieces. That would leave him with three hundred and thirty four gold pieces. He can probably buy some level three seeds. 

"Then, what about level three seeds?" You XiaoMo asks further. 

The attendant does not show any signs of impatience, and continues to explain clearly: "We have sixty four types of level three seeds. Each type is sold in the same quantities as level two seeds. Every five hundred seeds cost four gold pieces." 

You XiaoMo can't help from feeling a twitch in his eyelid. This is too costly. Three gold pieces more than level two seeds and it's only one level higher. It is unexpectedly so expensive. If he were to buy them all, he would have to spend two hundred and fifty six gold pieces in one go. 

Seeing the change in his expression, the attendant could roughly guess what was going on in his head. He says temptingly: "Distinguished guest, if you want to buy level two and level three seeds, we can give you one set of level one seeds for free." 

You XiaoMo can't help feeling stunned. He suddenly feels as if he has gone back to the modern age. The familiar promotional tactics, although it is not buy one get one free. Although the value of a set of level one seeds is only ten gold pieces. 

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