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Lauren's P.O.V

I was so nervous, for what I was gonna do. My stomach felt all knotted and nauseous. I sat through English wondering how and what's gonna happen, luckily Mrs. Ripp didn't notice me, so I continued thinking and thinking, I could hear my heart bounding out of my chest.

*Bell Rings*

Finally the bell rang, I was happy, but very nervous that Baz was gonna kill me. Baz is the typical guy, he only hooks up with girls just to have sex with them, but not me I'm gonna let him to do to me. So before he does I'm gonna break up with him. Oh God I see Baz, well here goes nothing.

*walks up to Baz*

"He...hey Baz, w...we need to talk" I say trying so hard not to vomit

As he's trying to put his arm around me and told me to close my eyes, not gonna lie I was kinda scared, but all I felt was his lips against mine, i awkwardly push him away.

"Yeah, of course anything for my bae" Baz said in a really flirty way.

Which made feel even more uncomfortable, then I'm already am. I could feel my face turning red.

"Um Baz...I-I don't really know how to say this, but I want...I want to break up with you.  I said my face practically burning up.

Of course Baz starts to get angry and face is more red than mine.

"Excuse me, What did you say." Baz says trying really hard not to yell.

I could fell my eyes starting to water, I keep sniffing hoping I wouldn't cry in front of him and the whole school.

"I-I said, I want to break up with you..." "It's not you, it's me, but mostly you, exactly it's all you" I know that sounds rude but it's true (don't lie you know it's true too).

"No one....no one has ever broken up with me, ever, Lauren you're making a big mistake!" Baz said nearly screaming, and drawing some attention.

I could feel my face start to heat up, and my stomach feeling queasy, from embarrassment, why must Baz yell when something doesn't go his way. It's really annoying. Baz was still standing on rage waiting for an answer, I tried to stay calm without yelling and making a fool of myself.

"Because they're scared and they know if they do, you're gonna get all mad, like you are now. If had enough of it, it's really pathetic and sad. I want to be with someone who doesn't boss me around and tell me what to do and what not to do and also forcing me to do things I don't wanna do. I can't take it anymore! Good bye Baz..." I said walking away.

Omg I can't believe what I just did and in such a calm voice too. I thought I was gonna explode with rage and go off on his ass. Well I kinda did, but it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be.

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