Growing Awareness

Start from the beginning

But if they thought they were there to save their little girl, they couldn't have been more wrong, as they watched her tiny body fly up into the air and spin quickly into a leap that seemed to defy gravity, and before they could even comprehend the girls astounding agility, her feet immediately split in mid spin, her feet smashing into the faces of two of her assailants.

"Meili." Tai whispered as he stood stock still taking in the most incredible scene he had ever witnessed, as Jie too watched on in stunned amazement as her flying body brought down her elbows straight into the throat of one of the fallen who had dared to rise.

But to Tai, it wasn't her fighting skills that had him shocked, but the dark black coldness of her eyes, the hatred flaring from them brought him to tears, and as his whole body shook at what these men had brought out in her, his heart broke into a thousand pieces as he watched the rage in her fully unleash.

Falling gracefully, she instantly flew back into the air as one of them who had drawn a sword slashed it out towards her.  No sooner had the sword passed below her feet, than they at once kicked it out of his hand and up into the air where she deftly caught it mid air, and promptly brought it down with such force, it tore through his neck almost decapitating him.  No sooner had he hit the ground, than she whipped the sword sideways slicing straight through the face of another who had come in from behind and thrown his hulking frame towards her before sending him screaming backwards as an upwards thrust of her foot caught his chin, throwing him into a nearby tree.

All six men now lay at her feet and as she fell to her knees shaking, the tears came as a harsh guttural sound so animalistic tore through her throat,  It was raw and ugly, and as every ounce of strength left her small body, she threw her head back and screamed.  It was a scream of pure fear.  

Falling to his knees Tai held his head tightly to block out the sound as he tried desperately to hold his own screams in.  Squeezing his eyes shut, he fell face forward into the dirt and dead leaves shaking as both Ai and Jie ran towards Meili.  

But no sooner did Jie reach down to pull her up, than the sword she was still holding flew across the top of her head into his arm as her angry raging fire instantly ignited.  Unable to see either of them through the tears she once again flew up and swung the sword as Ai screamed at her to stop, kicking the sword out of her hands and gathering her small body quickly into her arms.

"Meili.  Look at me!" she cried down at the little girl who was screaming and struggling madly against her, lost to the hatred and anger that had completely taken over her mind.  "MEILI."

But she heard nothing, the roaring in her head drowned out everything, but when Jie tried to talk to her, she completely lost it.  In one swift move, she dove for the sword and flew towards them  kicking out wildly, sending Ai flying backwards as she turned her fury on Jie.  "You like what you see?" she asked smirking up raising her sword directly at him.  "Come and get it bastard." she screamed as she flew into the air.

Spinning, her feet flew at his head as she brought the sword down, barely missing his face as he quickly ducked and rolled beneath her.  "Meili." he yelled at her as she landed safely, only to once again fly at him with a roundhouse kick to the side of his knee, seeking to take his legs out from under him, but that too he blocked.  

Trying desperately to only block her hits and strikes without hurting her, he hoped to tire her out enough to bring her under control, but the adrenaline was pumping through her veins, and he could do nothing but  block her, not wanting to risk touching her for fear of setting off her already crazed mind.

But he was not prepared for the anger or the hatred, as the child unleashed a full round of martial arts moves that had him shocked, that even while he was blocking every single strike, his mind couldn't help but wonder where she had learned such skills, they were advanced moves, not taught to children, not even in the Immortal Realm. He should know, the moves she had suddenly unleashed were a specific set of moves, a routine that he himself had devised as a form of self defense for females only.  That this child knew them, could only mean one thing.  Her teacher was not a Mortal.  

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