Chapter 1; A Tome In The Hand Is Worth Two In The Rivalry.

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To describe them in one word, they were rivals. Practically at each other's throats the minute their eyes would lock. Always competing on who could be the better younger brother to Corrin, their shared sister. Though neither was in full blood related to the strong princess, both loved her equally so and saw her as their dear older sister.

However, their sister seemed the cause of their rivalry. For she had brought the wars between kingdoms to an end. She United Hoshido and Nohr as well, Uniting her half blood family with her childhood family in the process. Needless to say, this path was not without its rocks. Joining long time enemies was no easy feat. But the two royal families had learned to accept one another's differences, be it in culture or personality, and bond over their one shared interest; Corrin.

Joining together the older brothers and younger sisters seemed not as hard, for Xander and Ryoma would often sit in the war room and discuss future plans for their kingdoms. They were young kings, this is true, but they decided to help one another in raising their kingdoms, and swore to keep their countries safe. The younger sisters bonded as well, finding interest in one another's cures for illnesses or simply playing together, as young ones often did. It seemed all was well.....

However, one pair completely and utterly refused to get along. And the one thing they agreed on, was that they would forever and always be Rivals....


"You little Bastard Takumi!!" Leo shouted, running after the laughing Prince. "Haha! Maybe if you were lighter on your feet, you could catch up Tomato breath!" Takumi shouted behind him, running through the halls of Hoshido palace, clutching to his chest Leo's prize possession; The ancient tome Bynhilder.

Leo was beginning to get out of breath, continuing to chase after Takumi. "Give... It... Back... Pineapple!!!" Suddenly Takumi stopped dead in his tracks, which in turn made Leo come slamming into him, and both the princes go toppling over one another. "Ow!! Bloody hell what gives?!" Shouted Leo, now on top of Takumi, not noticing that The prince's attention was on someone else entirely. When Takumi didn't respond with a sarcastic comeback, Leo showed a hint of concern. "What are you staring.... At....?" It was then that Leo looked up, and felt his heart crack in two.

Their sweet sister Corrin. Her hands pinned against the wall, small whispers of a moan escaping her lips. With none other than her retainer Kaze, kissing her passionately as his right hand pinned her wrists, and his left caressed her side. Takumi shuddered under Leo, for he too felt his heart break.

Kaze sensed the presence of them nearby and pulled away from Corrin, looking at the two princes as Corrin opened her eyes. Corrin saw her two brothers staring In shock and smiled. "Oh, hello Takumi! Hi Leo! ... Why are you on top of Takumi, Leo...?" Takumi finally snapped out of his trance and shoved Leo off, getting up. Leo, still very annoyed by having to chase down his Tome, grabbed Byrnhider and got up, elbowing Takumi harshly. Kaze cleared his throat "I will, see you later. My lady..." He then kissed Corrin's hand and walked away, leaving the princess giggling softly and blushing. "What.... What was he....?!" Takumi started, but the words wouldn't leave his lips. "Oh! Kaze and I are engaged! Isn't it exciting?" Corrin said with a grin. Takumi, already beginning to tear up a bit, was about to say something else before Leo stepped forward. "I'm very happy for you, sister. I suppose it comes as a shock to the both of us!" He then chucked softly and hugged Corrin. Takumi, seeing this display of maturity, joined in. Blinking back his tears, he went up and hugged Corrin as well. "C-Congratulations sister. I'm sure he'll be a fine husband." Corrin grinned and hugged the both of them back "Awww you guys! You're gonna make me cry..." She giggled and let go of them. "I gotta run, I promised Sakura and Elise that I'd show them some sword moves. But before I go, I gotta say... I'm glad you two are getting along!" Corrin then giggled and ran off, leaving the two bewildered princes in her dust.

 Neither said a word, but simply stood there next to each other, confused on what their next move may be. Before Takumi could make any denials of finally getting along with The blonde haired Brat next to him, Leo took action. Gripping Byrnhilder, he whacked Takumi upside the head with it. "NEVER touch my tome again you pineapple!" Takumi rubbed his head and growled in response. "Then don't hide my Fujin Yumi!" Leo growled and shoved Takumi towards the wall. "Then don't lie to Elise saying I tell Sakura she's cuter!" Takumi was about to lunge at Leo, hearing enough of his mouth before Leo pinned him against the wall by his shoulders. "Then stop lying to Azura about me having feelings for her!" Takumi shouted. Leo stopped a moment. Looking the Sniper Prince in the eyes. "Wait... Don't you have feelings for Azura?" He questioned. "What? No I have feelings for Corrin!" He said, blushing. Leo's face calmed as he looked away. "...So did I." He reluctantly said. Takumi looked at the prince remorsefully, knowing that inside, they were both feeling the same pain of a broken heart. Leo let go of Takumi and began walking away. "Where are you going?" Takumi asked. Leo didn't say a word and instead headed out the west gate of the palace. Takumi slowly followed him, keeping a distance. Though he would never admit it, Takumi didn't truly hate Leo, but he didn't want to show weakness and submission to Nohrian scum so early on in the new bond between kingdoms. But now that a few months had passed, he felt ready. Ready to let his pride down, just a little.... Enough for the Dark prince and him to tolerate one another.

 Takumi walked up over the hill and saw Leo sitting at the edge, watching the sun sink over the horizon. Takumi hesitated for but a moment, before walking up and sitting next to Leo. Leo didn't flinch or make any moves to walk away, nor did he take his eyes off of the horizon. " okay...?" Takumi asked slowly. Admittedly, he wasn't quite used to being polite or comforting to anyone, let alone Leo. Surprisingly enough, his concern was not met with a scoff from the Nohrian Prince. "...I will be. What about you...?" He answered. Takumi glanced at him for a moment, then turned his eyes back onto the horizon. "...Yeah... Yeah I'll be okay..." He said slowly.

Neither spoke for a while, merely watching the sunset and silently enjoying one another's company, mentally comforting one another from the same heartbreak. The silence was only broken when Leo looked down, mumbling under his breath. "What was that..?" Takumi questioned. Leo sighed softly and spoke louder. "I'm... Sorry for everything I've done to you. I realize now anything I've said or done in these past few months was petty and immature." He looked away as he said it, refusing to meet Takumi's surprised eyes staring at him. Takumi, realizing the courage it must've taken for Leo to let his pride down enough to apologize, looked down at the ground and sighed. "I'm..... Sorry too. For everything I've done.... You're right, keeping the rivalry between us princes, even when our kingdoms are united is.... Petty...." Leo glanced at Him, watching the face of the Hoshidan Prince as the sun's last rays gleamed over his face and hair, then looked away quickly. "...Who.... Who started this personal war between us anyway...?" He made a small attempt to lighten the mood with a soft chuckle. Takumi smiled as well. "I suppose... I don't know.... Perhaps both of us, exchanging dirty looks from across halls, Hmm?" Takumi shared a chuckle with Leo, as the two princes saw the last of the sunset disappearing over the Summit in Hoshido.

 Once the sun was fully set, Takumi stood up. "Listen, it's been months Leo.... Maybe we should put our differences aside. Even our elder brothers are getting along as new kings... And when it's our time to rule our respective kingdoms, we can't have harsh feelings towards one another. What do you say...?" He looked at Leo as he stood up, clearing his throat. "As... Much as I'd like to deny it, you're right. War is foolish, that much we can agree on." Takumi nodded with a small smile. "Well then.... Friends?" He extended his hand to Leo, and Leo took it with a smile. "Friends... Now if you'll excuse me." He then yanked on Takumi's hand, sending the pineapple prince flying the other direction onto the ground as Leo ran away laughing. "I'll be in the kitchen eating your supper!" Takumi growled as he felt his blood boil, getting up and running after Leo. "I SWEAR IF YOU TOUCH MY CHOW MEIN SO HELP ME LEO!!!"

And so, the prince's decided to put rivalries aside-- eh, mostly. It would take work on both their parts, but no matter what would come, they'd work together..... Or belame each other, should something goes awry.

{Céad Míle Fátile! so this is just part 1 to the fanfic, I might make... 5 parts? if I can come up with enough content anyway. I have ideas luckily! let me know how you liked it in the comments, of course Fire Emblem and its characters belong to Nintendo and their respective owners. all rights reserved for them. at any rate i'll be working on other fanfics and small stories along with this one, so be sure to follow me and keep up to date with the stories. progress might be slow but i won't discontinue it, you have my word :) Until next time, Don't be afraid to write ideas on your hands!}

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