Wilfred And Thomas

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I look out my window and am relieved to see it stopped raining and the sun is out. I walk outside and decide I will relax in the park.

"Oh, Primrose! How are you dear?" asks Ms. Peach.

"Just wonderful!" I reply. "And you?"

"Always so happy you are. I'm great dear, thank you for asking."

I get to the park and take a seat on the bench next to Mr. Gruff.

"Hello sir! Fine weather today, isn't it?"

"Yes," he replies quite, well, gruffly. "Shouldn't flowers like you be inside wilting?"

"Oh, I'll have to take that into consideration," I say, my eyes closing.


"Oh dear! Did I fall asleep in the park?" I stand up and see that it's already late afternoon. I look below me to discover Wilfred and Thomas, the kids I often sit for, standing there looking up. Thomas only has one shoe, and is taller than Wilfred considering the six year old is three years older than his brother.

"Primrose, I lost me shoe in the mud puddle, can you help me find it?"

Thomas gives him a look

"Oh, right. Please?"

"Primrose, can you carry me, please?" asks Thomas. I scoop him into my arms and we march over to the puddle to find a blue sneaker. I put Thomas down and we dig through the mud puddle on our knees, my yellow dress becoming quite  brown. Thomas trips into the mud puddle and when I pull him out I pull out a sneaker along with him. 

"Found it!" we shout. "Alright, let me call your mother to see if I can take you to my apartment and clean you up. You left some clothes over last time you came."

After approval from their mum, I take the boys to my house and direct them upstairs with their shoes off. They still, however, find a way to get mud all over the living room and bathroom. Once they're clean, I send them home and take a bath myself. I sit on my bed, wrapped in my towel, and barely notice myself drifting off to sleep.

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