Rescue Gone Fucked Up

Start from the beginning

"Is that all you brainless idiots can call me? A bitch?!" I say.

I'm flung over the guys shoulder who has my arms. I thrash around and yell. A guy comes up to my view and he has a gun. "If you don't shut up, I will shoot you in the fucking leg. Our boss has questions. Answer and then be on your merry fucking way. Okay?"

The guy who says this is the one I first fought. "Fuck you." I say. He hits the gun across my face. "Argh! You piece of shit!"

"Shut the fuck up. Come on lets go." The guys start to walk outside.

If it wasn't for this fucking smoke and shit, they wouldn't have fucking caught me.

We begin to walk out to the side of the school. Hardly anyone around.

There's a black van and as we approach, the doors to the back fling open.

"Finally." A man with a deep voice comes to my hearing. I'm thrown into the back.

I skid back and hit my head on the wall that separates the driver from the back chamber.

Groaning low, I sit up and look around. The three assholes come into view. They're all big, as I said, and two look slightly fucked up.

The guy I punched has a nose bleed and a bruise under his eye. The other ones hair is messed up and hand has slight skid marks.

Hm... I could've done better.

The new guy is dressed in a suit. His hair is thin and combed back, he's about 6'0 I think, a large nose and sea green eyes.

"Hello there." He smiles down at me.

I look up at him and examine him. He chuckles, "Analytical, huh?" I don't respond. He puts his hand out for me to get up. I simply ignore it and get up myself. "Why would you throw her back here?" He looks at his goons.

"Oh... What happened?"

"This-" The guy with the bloody nose starts.

"Your goons have no respect for women, so I showed them were that gets them." I cross my arms.

"Hm... Okay then. Now I have a few questions Tru. Since you've been here, Mr. King has been very..... affectionate to you. I suppose you don't know why?"

I look at him, "Oh, trust me. I was made very aware of that. The whole gang bullshit. Or am I mistaken?"

He chuckles, "No, you are.... very correct. And it seems to be you're the queen. Or soon to be."

I laugh, "No the fuck I'm not. However I can, I will back out of this. I was simply dragged into this. I want nothing to do with it. At all."

"Well, I'm not sure how you are going to do that. But, can you tell me a few things about Mr. King?" He asks. Slyness gleams in his eyes.

"I'm afraid I cannot. I don't know him all that well. If you'll excuse me, I need to go." I begin to head out.

"And I'm afraid you can't." He says. He grabs me by the head of my hair and forces me to the ground. He crouches in front of me and grabs me throat.

"You will do as I say, understood?" I glare at him and spit in his face.

"Fuck. You." He wipes his face, which shows utter disgust. He reaches under these benches that line each side of the back chamber. A small knife is revealed.

"You see, Miss Mane, being in this 'gang bullshit,' you learn how to deal with people like you." he puts the knife in my thigh. I let out an earpeircing scream.

"Oh you little fucker!!!" I look at him and grab the two sides of his head and headbutt him. He falls back and due to his hand still being on the knife, he moved it, but didn't remove it.

I scream through my teeth. Suddenly, I look up and the three guys are knocked out. "What the..." I look over and see boss man just before he rings my neck. His nasty hands.

He gets dragged off of me. I choke and try to get air back in my lungs, gasping and coughing hard.

Looking up i see Dante, whos looking at my leg wide eyed.


Sorry i didnt write for a while. Was in the ER.

But heres a new chapter!!!

205k+ reads!!!!

Oh my lawrd you guys are amazing!!!!

But of course, this book will have to end soon.

There will be a another one. Same characters, same story, different plot and all that junk.

So ya...

But i was also thinking about making another book. *Shrugs* idk.

Randomly dance
and listening to an Eminem song, dont make you gangster

Laters my lovely Smurfs


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