Wiţh Çłeñçhëd Fīsťs

30 8 12

There is a peace

That the days bring

When the ring of fortune has

drained it's price

And even the muses seek insipration.

Then there is always
The bluster of the wind

And the will of temptation

That can conjure a nation

Free of weary nights
and dour tunes,

I wish I can turn on the TV and hear good news

no bombs or smoke
no deaths before noon.

We slice into an age

that's already broken

Disregarding these shattered times

To rip and wreck and slaughter a dream

Never born yet an entire reality

And if I could draw the scences
of better days
I'd brigthen the shadows
To welcome the rays,

For if

Sound is light

And time was speed

At some point

Or the other

I'd have done a good deed.

In a greed that
Grew to compensate
A lost cause

Like how a world could even be this flawed.

Or what brought the sudden shift in the air.

Who knew a heart could be so bare

Beneath a chest that's always been covered. 

If light is a vibration

Then the dark is a rhythm

We undulate to

Forgetting we didn't have a side

Or a way of passage through

And If there was code to my ink
I didn't do my job justice

I can feel the tension in my
head and wrist,

For a group of words
Doesn't have to have a meaning

In order to bring a message
Or leave an impression.

Realities Of The Wind Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz