Meeting Someone New

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It was a rainy night, thunders and lightning flashed as Tina walks from the quiet hallways. She was wearing a white nightgown as she holds a cup of water. A girl's laughter echoes the place, Tina turned around but there was only darkness. She walked and went out of the house, her nightgown now soaked. She walked barefoot on the muddy ground and saw the dirty doll, she put the cup she was holding on the ground and grabbed an axe nearby. She hit the dirty doll and axed it until it was in pieces, the girl's laughter got louder. The voice then said "You've got the wrong one Tina...look behind you." As she heard those words, Tina slowly turned around and found the blonde girl behind her smiling mischievously. She then looked at Tina with glowing red eyes, "looks like the game is now ending." Tina shook her head, she slowly backed away but the blonde girl is walking closer to her, the blonde girl then laughed and took out the thing she was hiding behind her. It was a knife, she came faster towards Tina until she was cornered in the gates. The blonde girl smiled and stabbed Tina in her stomach, Tina shrieked in pain and slowly fell down to the muddy ground. The blonde girl then said, "Game it's---"

Tina woke up as soon as her alarm went on, she realized she was sweating a lot and saw the sun rising. "Thank goodness it was just a dream..." she mumbled as she wipe her face off of her sweat. She then slowly got up and went to her bathroom to take a shower and when she came out, she shouted in fear. On the mirror were words written in red lipstick, Come play with me Tina. Her parents run immediately towards her room as soon as they heard her shout, they knocked on the bathroom door while calling her name.

"Tina! Sweetie what is it?!" Mrs Sy asked as she tried to open the door.

Tina gasped, she then wiped the mirror with a white towel. Better remove this, I can't involve my parents in here. I'm sure they will just say it was all a silly dream! She thought as she continued cleaning the mirror.

"Sweetie! What is the problem in there?" Mr Sy asked as he knocked on the door.

"N-nothing mom and dad, I was just getting ready. Sorry, I guess I didn't know my period arrived" Tina replied as she tossed the dirty towel on the laundry basket.

"Oh, I guess she forgot about her period dear" Mrs Sy whispered to her husband and Mr Sy relaxed.

"Just get dressed and we will wait on the living room, sweetie" Mr Sy said and both of them went out of Tina's room.

Tina listened until the footsteps of her parents weren't heard, she breath in relief then went out of the bathroom as she hurriedly wore her denim dress and white tennis shoes. Afterwards she went downstairs and meet with her parents, the three of them rode their family car and went out to town. Tina took a last look at the house and spotted the blonde girl looking at them from her room with an angry expression as they were leaving.

When they arrived at the town, the people are all busy doing their own work. Although the businesses are still going on, there aren't that much people who visits the town anymore and the profits before were much bigger than today. Mr Sy parked the car in front of the park, then the couple went on their separate ways while Tina toured around. She saw a shop selling candies, Tina smiled and took out her wallet to look at how much money she brought and decided to buy some sweets. Inside the shop were different flavors of candies displayed, there were even those that were made into the figures of cartoon characters. Tina saw a doraemon candy and bought 5 of it, she knew it was very childish of her but she likes doraemon ever since she was little. After she got what she wanted, Tina walked into an alleyway going through the library. She felt her stomach growl so she took one of the candies and took a taste on it. A group of children were playing with each other and were running towards her direction when one of them bumped into Tina making her fell on the road, "Ouch" Tina said as she dusted off her clothes.

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