The church

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Harry landed on the ground with a hard thud, the world around him blurry and his ears ringing. He pated around for his glasses shoving them back on his face where they rightfully belonged. Pulling them off once again to clear off the dust and sand that was definitely not from Scotland. It wasn't till the world came into full focus that he realized how hot he was. He had never felt such scorching heat in his life. He felt like he was being baked from the inside out. He looked around quickly for the others finally spotting the very out of place group. they where all gathering around a large building that seemed quite out of place for Africa. It was stone and looked as if an old church. Harry was confused what was an old church doing in the middle of africa? Harry looked around taking in his surroundings. There where dozens of magical tents dispersed through out the humid desert all set up with tourches. Harry quickly ran to join the others.

Mcgonagol quited the noisy cluster of children.

"Hush" she demanded harshly

Evreyone became quite with in seconds.

"Many of you may be wondering what this church is doing in the middle of africa. A long time ago when the magic world first started coming here we built this church as a landmark. If you are lost it is best to try to return to this place. We will not be staying here the whole time, but this place should be considered your home while we are here. It's one of the only truly safe places for us wizards in this vast rural terrain, please remember this."

Evreyone scurried inside excitedly. The inside of the building was gigantic. Inside there where halls amount halls that lead into hundreds of different rooms. Harry looked around each room seemed to house anew set of beautiful magical archeological finds. Harry starred in awe. He hadn't known that there where wizards who had originated here, this was truly facinating. Harry hadn't noticed he was walking and ended up bumping into a very familiar blonde knocking him to the ground. Draco pushed him self up quickly brushing off his robes.

"Watch where your going Potter." He snarled with an unattractive snear. Harry rolled his eyes. "You know one day Malfoy your face is gonna stick like that"

Malfoy crossed his arms

" Nothing could ruin my beautiful face" he remarked

Harry rolled his eyes

"Yeah you just keep telling yourself that Malfoy."

The students were once again gathering around Mcgonagol.

"On this trip she annoced, evreyone will be assigned a partner. There will be no partner changes and no complaints. This is for your own safety. If lost, alone your survival chances are slim But With a partner it becomes much more likely for you to not die."

Evreyone looked at each other with worry. What had they signed up for it sounded like she was sending them into a battle.

"The seventh year pairs will be Panzy Parkinson and Millicent Bulstrode and Harry potter and Draco Malfoy."she announced cheerily

Harry cringed, she didn't. She couldn't have put him with Draco. Mcgonagol looked at harry as if she was challenging him to make a complaint. Harry looked away quickly and scanned the room for draco. Draco stood in the corner ignoring the rest. Like a child trying not to be seen. Harry approached cautiously.

We might as well be civil if we have to be partners for a summer" he pointed out.

Draco kicked at the ground like an upset child.

"Your not my partner potter."

Harry rolled his eyes.

"Come on Malfoy grow up it's only a summer."

Malfoy looked up with a scowl.

" Fine but I won't be happy about it" he pouted.

Harry laughed

"Yeah me either but we might as well make the best of it."

Mcgonagol directed evreyone outside. It was already getting dark and the only light to be seen happened to be torches set up on each side of each of the dozens of large tents.

"Partners are to share a tent Mcgonagol informed. Look for the tent with your names on them please. They have been assigned so we know where each student is."

Harry looked over at Malfoy. The boy looked absolutely furious.

" I am not sharing a tent with you potter he scoffed."

Harry chuckled

"Well sorry your gonna have to."

Harry looked around curiously for there tent. When he finally found it, the world around them was pitch black. The tent had very little light and was at the far back of the camp. It gave harry an eery feeling he didn't like. Harry pushed inside only to open up a gigantic house sized tent.

"See Malfoy you barley will have to see me it's enormous."

Malfoy sunk off into one of the tented rooms and closed the flaps.

Harry drew a breath plopping all his stuff down on the floor. This was so much better than the Dursley's. even if he did have to room with a total git. He pushed open one of the rooms and plopped down on the bed roll on the floor.

"This might actually be nice" he sighed as he closed his eyes

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