Summer Program

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"Harry wake up!" Ron poked Harry's arm playfully. "Harry come on mate we have to get up, we'll miss the train home!"
Harry sighed and grumbled pulling the covers up over his head.
"I don't wanna go home" He muttered sleepily
Ron pulled the covers off of harry with one tug. "Harry up now" he whinned Harry sat up angerly is hair askew "I won't go back!" He shouted like a child throwing a tantrum. Ron let out a frustrated grunt letting Harry's legs drop, running his hands hopelessly threw his red ruffled hair. He had spent so much time trying to pull Harry out of bed that he hadn't even had time to brush his hair that morning. Ron sat down on the end of the bed with a thud.
"I'm sorry mate but you can't stay here, you know that."
Harry turned his head to look at Ron, a pained look washing across his thin features. Ron looked at him sympathetically.
"Don't worry mate" he smiled, " the summer will be over before you can say quiditch!"
"quiditch" Harry mumbled sarcastically under his breath. "Haha, sorry" ron snarked "It's still not over."
Harry could tell Ron was getting quite annoyed. " Ron started to walk towards the door "you know what mate, maybe I should just leave you for the teachers to deal with. They'll be thrilled when the find out there boy wonder is putting up a strike against leaving the school!" Harry gave Ron an aggressive dirty look.
"Fine" he grumbled "do it", "but i won't be happy about it."
Ron bounced up of the bed, a blank expression sticking to his face. " well mate it's your problem if you wanna be a wet blanket, but blimey I won't put up with it."
Ron marched out of the room, frustration flowing across his pale freckled face.

When Ron was gone Harry pushed his head back into his bed and let out a small scream.
"Why do I have to go back? WHY?"
Harry new why, but he didn't want to face the truth of it all. Harry heard angry foot steps marching up the stairs, he pulled the covers back over his face.
"Oh god if Ron actually got the teachers I'll punch his blood face" He murmured into his blanket.
It wasn't the teachers thankfully but it was hermione. She came in and sat by Harry on the bed.
"so..... Harry Ron tells me your putting up a strike against going home."
Harry can practically hear her thoughts bubbling in her all to active mind.
"well she mutters if your not going then I'm not going either" she demanded folding her arms across her chest. Harry could practicly see the stubborn look crossing her face through the thick blanket.
Harry pushed up to a sitting position staring blankly
"Mione you don't have to play psychology with me" harry sighed pushing the security of his blankets away. I'll get up okay!" The frizzy haired girl smiled triumphantly. "Well up then" she motioned her hands toward the celling like she was trying to do a levitation charm without her wand.
Harry shuffled off the bed obediently grabbing for his glasses.
"I have to get dressed mione" he muttered starring at her trying to give her the message to leave.
Hermione just glared.
"I don't trust you she murmured. I'll close my eyes!"
She laid back on the bed standing her ground, her eyes closed tightly. Harry sighed she was so pushy and she always won. Harry definitely wasn't going to argue with her. Harry quickly got dressed and ran his hands threw his hurricane of hair.
"Come on mione he grumbled, I'm ready!"
She hopped up off the bed and grabbed a bag off the floor, enthusiastically grinning ear to ear.
"Well let's get going then, shall we." Harry laughed at her persistence, picking up his trunk off of the floor.
"Okay mione," he opened the door for her "after you".
Hermione gave him a small look of suspicion.
"No you go first" Harry laughed,
"as you wish mione."
He stumbled out the door holding it open while hermione stroll out.
"So Harry" she practically sung happily walking along "I know what it's like at your home but why put up such a fight?"
Harry sighed "well as you know every year something new goes wrong. I'm just not looking forward to what ever is coming next"
Hermione gave him an understanding nod. "Don't worry Harry it will be over before you know it and if you ever need me don't be afraid to write. Its my turn to fly over an save you" she grinned
Harry laughed "thanks that means a lot."
Hermoine smiled a toothy grin
"nothing's to good for my best friend Harry Potter""

Harry stood at the train station dreading where the train would lead him. Hermione gave him an encouraging pat on the back.
"All aboard" yelled the train instructor. Harry moved in the direction of the train his legs feeling like cement, shuffling towards the place he hated the most.
"Mr potter stop" the voice of professor Mcgonagol rang loud an clear."
Harry turned on his heels. Mcgonagol was right there behind him. She seemed out of Breath like she had run to catch him.
"what is it he asked in a worried voice?" "You know the summer program we have planned she asked intently?"
"um yeah" his voice thick with confusion. "What about it? I'm about to miss my train." Mcgonagall smiled "you will not be needing a train today Mr. Potter. One of the students has dropped out of the program and I was hoping you would take the spot. It Is a much better option than the one you currently have."she whispered sympathetically
Harry jumped at the opportunity.
"Of course I'll take it!"
The feeling of relief washed over him. His once tense shoulders slumping to there normal position. Hermione poked Harry from behind making him jump. He turned to look at the girl.
"Iv gotta go Harry I'll miss the train." Harry smiled and noded happily
"you have a good summer mione."
He pulled her in for a hug,
"Be safe okay." She whispered to harry.
"you to"
she laughed as she trotted away towards her own summer.
Harry looked back to Mcgonagol.
"So what exactly is the program?" "
She gave him a surprised look "you don't know?."
"Nope" he smiled sheepishly.
"I would do anything not to go back to the dursley's though."
Mcgonagall gave him a knowing motherly look.
"Well I have informed your uncle of the situation and he seemed quite okay with you staying away for the summer."
Harry laughed, of course he was okay with it he hated Harry. He would agree to anything if it meant Harry was as far away from him as possible.
"So what is it?" he prodded excitedly
"well this summer the program is going to Africa to study ancient African wizardry." There was a proudness to her voice that harry didn't hear often.
"Wow, that's like seven thousand times better than going to the dursley's." He jumbled out happily For goodness sake it's a whole other continent Harry thought to him self. So so far away from the horrible place he grew up.
"Well that's awesome, I much rather be doing that than spending time with the dursley's" he chuckled
"Well we will be leaving tomorrow morning she smiled so have you bags ready in the main hall at 9 a.m sharp. For now I'd like you to go to the fourth tower that's where you will be staying tonight with the rest of the program students."
Harry smiled,
"thank you so much professor Mcgonagall."
He gave her a huge hug.
"Your welcome Harry she sighed."

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