“You don’t call, you don’t write. What the hell man? I’m beginning to forget what your voice sounds like, and what your beautiful face looks like.” My flame haired friend declared when she signed on. She hadn’t changed one bit. Her hair was still as short and red as ever. Her eyes a vibrant green. We were practically polar opposites in everything. We had grown up together. Always inseparable, practically sisters. She had always been the outgoing athletic one. She participated in every sport our school had to offer, while I was the bookworm, the geek. We got glasses at the same time, but she traded hers in for contacts the summer before our 9th year, along with a bottled red that disguised her natural chestnut. She had cut her hair into a short pixie style sometime last year. I never cut my hair shorter than mid-back.

“Well, ya know me, busy.” I smiled, suddenly embarrassed by her compliment, “I’m not beautiful. I doubt I’m average. Honestly, how did I ever score a boyfriend? You’re the hot one.” 

“Babe! Don’t do this to me right now!” She reprimanded me, “You are beautiful. You just don’t realize it because you hide under your hair and all those dark clothes. Honestly, Sweety, you should wear colors. They look so much better on you.”

“Yea, I know.” I perked up, “Check out my jersey.” I turned around in my chair so that she could clearly see the Fellina 19 on the back.

“Holy shit! You’re on the VB team? And what a coincidence, it’s your old number.” She smiled, “That’s awesome, but you’re not forgiven. I’m your best friend and you haven’t bothered to contact me since you moved.”

“I know, I’m sorry. It’s been crazy. Travis and I keep going back and forth like before, only its hella worse. I have been making friends with people he doesn’t approve of, and I’m just frustrated. I’m so tired of being tired.” I throw my hands up, “It’s only been a month for chrissake!”

“I’m sorry babe. I told you though. Maybe it’s better if you break up. I mean, long distance relationships are hard, and you’re about as long distance as you can get without moving to a different country. And you guys weren’t on solid ground to begin with.

“To make matters worse, I have a bio partner and Travis feels threatened by him. He hasn’t even met him, so he has no reason to think that.”

“He drew the short stick just by being male.” She sighs at the same time my phone rings.

I glance down at it, turning pale then bright red. “Speak of the devil.” I murmur, and then answer glancing at Crissy.


“I want to study.” Well, he sounds just chipper. Note the sarcasm.

“Right now? You can’t wait until Monday?” I blush deeper.

“We have a test on Monday.” Do I detect a hint of amusement?

“Crap, I forgot about it.” I sigh, “Alright.” I glance at the clock, “I’ll be over in like five.”

I hang up the phone and start gathering my things.

“You could have at least said goodbye. God you can be so rude.” Crissy teases me, “Bio partner I’m assuming.”

“Yea.” I say distractedly as I continue to collect my scattered books. “We tests in both bio and calc on Monday and he wants to have a cram session. I swear he is the last person I want to see again today.”

“Really? You could have fooled me.” She said smirking at me, “And what do you mean again?”

“He was at the game today.” I blush as I zip up my bag. “I would love to talk more, but I did tell him five minutes.”

Dysfunctional |Sasuke Uchiha|Where stories live. Discover now