The Life of Lillith Salvatore [2]

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Hallo^^ this is just a info chapter that tells you about Lillith and her life of friends and family (but mostly friends xD)

My name is Lillith Evangeline Salvatore-as you heard my Mum call me. I have blonde, purple and black hair-baiscly scene girl hair. I also have a nose peircing even though my parents don't aprove of it. In case you're all wondering, yes I'm half vampire. Yes just like my favourite person from Twilight, Renesmee. But unlike her I have yet to find someone to love me just like Jacob does. I know there's a question going through your minds: Can you have pets? To answer that question, no I can't 'cause of Dad's diet. Just in case you're wondering, yes I am scene. I love taking pictures of myself and other people and I wear make-up just like scene girls-that my parents hate more then the peircing! I'm not the most popular girl in school but I do have my friends. Our group is known as "The Emo Kids" just 'cause of the way we dress. And yes, they're all something supernatural. My friend Carmilla is a werewolf-hence her jeans are always ripped-, my friend Chris is a vampire-yes I do have a tiny weeny crush on him-, Charlotte is part ghost-at night she's a ghost-, Whisper is a shapeshifter-and not a crappy one form one-, Nissa is an elf-her name means friendly-, Kutiel is an angel-she's the Angel of Water-, Maurelle is a demon-she's dark and elfin-, Ruby is a witch-she's totally stylish-, and finally there's Aiden. He's another werewolf and my all time crush. My parents would never aprove of him because of the accident with Tyler Smallwood and Mum. I don't care though. But sadly he's supposed to marry Carmilla to mix very goood bloodlines. So that's basicly my friends. Now time for family! Well...I dont need to talk about them 'cause I'm pretty sure you all know about them. who should I talk about? I know! My extended family! Well first there's Auntie Bonnie, my favourite aunt 'cause she's a witch. Then there's Aunt Meredith, she's best friends with Mum and Auntie Bonnie. Then there's good ol' Uncle Matt. There's lots of history between him and Mum, like the fact they used to date before Dad came along but they stayed friends even through all the bad stuff like the Kitsune Twins. And I can't forget Grandma Flowers. She's a witch just like Auntie Bonnie and as cool as my friends and I. She's the one that knew what Dad and Uncle Damon were before anyone else. Well that's about it. Crap! I almost forgot about Aunt Margret! I'm sure you all remember her. She's Mum's little sister and she didn't want to go through life without having her sister forever so she made the choice of becoming a vampire too-after she was 17. She's had a big crush on Uncle Damon for the longest time and I'm the only one that knows! Now, that's it for my family. So let's see, I've told you about myself, my friends, and my family...I guess that's about it. I can't wait to get to school tomorrow! First day back after summer.

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