Meeting slender

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Candypop's POV

I was talking to slender about (y/n). I'm happy that he is allowing her to stay. I need to get (y/n) so she can meet slender.

Your POV

Candypop ran into the room. "(Y/n) you are going to meet Slenderman." Candypop said. He has told me about slender but I didn't think I would get to meet him. Me and Candypop leaves to go to the slender mansion.

Time skip

We get to the mansion. It looks so big. I fallow Candypop. We get to a tall door and Candypop opens it. "Hello Candypop and (y/n). Please take a seat. Me and Candypop do as told. "So (y/n) since you are living in one of the homes that belongs to the creepypasta family you are now apart of the family. You can become a creepypasta if you want at anytime of living in a creepypasta house. You do not have to though." Slender said.
"I will think about it." I said.
"Ok. There are some other things to talk about as well. I will give you a weapon to support you living in the creepypasta family. I will also give you some clothes. Now come with me child. " slender said. I fallow slender to a different room.

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