Tough! Female × (From Akame ga Kill) Syura

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I zipped through the streets, escaping from the clown chasing after me. He giggled behind me," LITTLE GIRLY! DON'T RUN FROM ME! COME TO MEEE!" I cringed and quickly jumped against the nearest wall and jumped up into the air to land onto the building. After training in the Imperial army, I left due to personal issues so this was nothing compared to my experiences with different Teigu users.

I stopped mid way when I noticed a man standing in front of me with a cross across his face as scars. I sighed and took out my Teigu which was a staff. I swung it at him and yelled," Attack, Blood Beast!" A blood beast emerged from my staff and shot towards the man, he ducked and tapped the blood beast before a girl flew out of nowhere and swung her fist down, making it disappear into nothing.

I heard the clown behind me and I rolled my eyes," God. When will this ever end?" I stretched my arms and sighed deeply before I lunged up into the air and yelled," Blood Dragon!" A dragon emerged and I jumped onto it, I pointed to the other direction and the dragon flew away from the Wild Hunt. I looked back and caught the eyes of the man with the x scar. He smirked and that wasn't a very nice smirk.


I opened the door to my cottage and greeted my adopted son who smiled at me. " Mum! You're back!" I scratched the back of my head and smiled.

"Of course I'm-" He cut me off by throwing his arms around me. I chuckled and sighed when I remembered the clown. It wouldn't be safe for Black to stay here anymore, after all the clown is a beast who rapes children.

I quickly said," Come with me, Black. I am going to take you somewhere safe. Alright?"

He nodded and grabbed his Teigu which is a vampire ring. I had no idea where he grabbed that but he said he met a man by the name of Sebastian and Sebastian had told him where to find the ring. I ran with him quickly into the forest before I heard rustles behind us. It was the man with the x scar and the girl with the doll face.

I grit down on my teeth and yelled," Blood Dragon!" It appeared again and I put Black on it before I directed the dragon away. I watched as he flew safely away. I didn't know where the dragon would take him but I was sure it would take him far away until I call it back. And it will never land until I ask him to.

I got into my battle stance and stated," I want no trouble. If you want me to join the Imperial Army again, I have no objections but just so you know, I know General Esdeath really well. After all, she was my mentor. You wouldn't want to face her wrath. " I raised an eyebrow at the two.

The man with the x scar rolled his eyes," Who cares about what the woman thinks? What I am interested in is you." He licked his lips seductively and I shivered in lust. I snapped out of it and cleared my throat.

" Just leave me alone. Alright? I want nothing to do with you guys after hearing all the terrible deeds you have committed. I'd rather die." I grabbed a dagger and held it against my neck.

The man with the x scar stated," We won't harm you as I have told you before. Now my name is Syura and this is Dorothea."

I crossed my arms," Aki."

Syura smirked," Aki, would you like to join Wild Hunt?"

I shrugged," What's in it for me?"

Syura winked," That's for you to find out." He turned and I looked away with a blush on my face to stop myself from staring at his behind.

But nonetheless, I followed him, hoping Black got further away with time I bought him.


I woke up in a strange bed and remembered that I had just joined Wild Hunt. I groaned and rubbed my forehead before I stood up from my bed. I yelped when I saw Syura in my line of vision, he simply lifted a hand and waved while leaning against my doorframe with a smirk on his face. I looked away and quickly covered myself as I was wearing just a dress that barely reached my thighs.

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