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Hey guys, gals and others. Thanks for stopping by to have a look at this book. It took a while to sort out so do me a favor and don't copy the story.

Thanks in advance and hope you enjoy!

"You better not be crying in there, open this damn door right now. You have til the count of eight then your in trouble." He growled

I was trapped in here: if I let him in he'll have some severe punishments in store, but if I didn't he would kill me for sure.

"1,2,3,4 open up this f*cking door!" he counted and I hid in my secret cupboard, praying he didn't find me.
"5,6,7,8 you had your chance now its too late" I heard him shout as he broke down the door leaving it in only strips of wood.
I could hear the whip dragging across the floor as he tore my only safe haven to shreds.

He knocked over my dresser and night stand, broke the closet door and then took apart my bed before moving to the bathroom.
A stray beam of light shot to a small handle sticking out of the carpet. The old tunnel was right under there and my run away supplies were there too.

The hatch locked from the inside meaning if I got to it I could escape this hell hole and stop him from following me.

I prepared myself both physically and mentally to make a dash for the hatch.
1,I peeked out slightly to see that he was still looking through my bathroom. 2, I looked over to the open hatch and got ready to run. 3, I got up and began to run. 4, I stepped on a nail from one of my broken pieces of furniture and winced in pain, cursing under my breath. 5, I knocked over a glass and dived to the hatch before he could grab me.

And with that I slammed the hatch shut and locked it. I checked the blue backpacks I put down here. One had about 3 sets of clean clothes and six hundred dollars cash. The other had a few days worth of snacks and water, my phone and charger and a switch blade for safety reasons.

I followed the tunnel to the right as I could see the light coming from a drain pipe. The pipe let off in a small forest and the sight, while to most would be nothing special, was beautiful!

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