A Wolf In The Pound

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A Wolf In The Pound- prologue

"Stupid wolf girl!!" the witch yelled to Alex. "You can never return to this demension!! In the next demension you will be a wolf all the time! Only late in the night will you be your true self for two hours! When you find your mate and he accepts you only then will your curse be broken! Pulchra est foeda et foeda est pulchra. Tebernus per caliginem et caeli. Bulla, bulla labone et tribulationis. Ignis ardentet cauldreon bulla. Sic, sic erit!"

The next moment Alex found herself in wolf form in the middle of a forest on Earth.


a/n sorry this is Extreamly short!! New prologue this is just how she got to earth.

Btw the spell is from William Shakespear's Macbeth (I probably just cursed my theater XP srry) also known as the scottish play and is translates to Latin.. It translates to:

fair is foul and foul is fair. Hover through the fog and air. Bubble bubble toil and trouble. Fire burn and cauldreon bubble. So it is said so It shall be

the last line so it is said so it shall be Sony from mcbeth and if I didn't quote that right please tell me!

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