maybe you can relate

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life has so meany unexpected dips and turns sometime it can feel like you've been thrown in a tumble dryer and set on high. Just when you think the blistering heat and furiously spinning stops it starts over again. its an endless circle, That you just want out of. But sadly this tumble dryer isn't a- round-a-bout there are no exits when you need to get out there are no sign pointing you to your destination. 

signing to the blind and speaking to the deaf no matter what i do i'm not heard or see. 

everyone want to be known for something. some people accomplish  fame and  make people proud of them while others struggle to be something for somebody to have enough money to support your family. but we are all, but billions of ants wishing to be noticed for our talent

but fame isn't all its cracked out to be having people all up in your business. who your dating what your eating, when you just want peace you'll never get it. sometime i think its easier to be average but some days i think that money would be worth a little of my privacy just so some of the struggle would stop. So finding work lifting bucket wouldn't be necessary  because even though you may have qualification you cant always get the job you want so we struggle to get food pay check by pay with what ever job come our way.

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