
I'm sitting in a room with a couch. I'm staring out the window, silently crying. The door opens and Junee and Fi walk in. I turn around and pick up Fi. 'Come back Clove, don't leave like daddy' she says through sobs. I look at her in her brown eyes and I say ' I promise bubs, forever and always' and hug her tight. I move to Junes who's eyes are red and puffy from crying. 'Clove- I know you didn't want this, but try and win, maybe you can' she says. She's right, even though districts 1 and 2 are meant to have the highest volunteer rate, but I don't want to be in the games, I just want to be with my sisters and find my dad. 'I'll try' is all I can manage. She puts something in my hand, ' what's this?' I say. 'Your token' Junes says. I open my hand to see a locket, I open it and inside is picture of Mom. I smile as I look at her, I look at Junes, ' thank you' I cry. 'Take care of her ok?' I sob and Junes nods. Then they are taken away

I get on the train with Cato and sit down in a chair. I take in my surroundings, looking at all the different things on the train. Blue and black inside, nice furniture. The wooden chairs are probably made by my father in District 7. 'Hey' I hear. Cato. I smile at him in response. I hear a door open and I see a large man, larger than Cato and a woman who grins at me with pointed teeth. ' Cato, Clove, welcome to the games, I'm enobaria and this is Brutus' says the woman. Cato rises from his chair and shakes brutus' hand ' Such an honour' he says, now moving to shake enobarias hand ' you guys inspired me to be a part of the games.' Brutus looks at me but as I'm very shy, I only nod a hello to both of them. Enobaria nods a hello back to me, but Brutus scans me up and down and sneers at me, i have a feeling he won't like me very much. 'So what do we do?' I blurt out, Enobaria, Cato and Brutus look at me strangely, ' to survive.' I finish. 'You kill people' Cato says, 'it's pretty obvious Kentwell'. My stomach flips, I can't kill someone! Their poor families, friends, siblings of that tribute, I couldn't possibly do it. 'What are your chosen weapons?' Brutus asks. I look to Cato 'I'm ok with a sword' he says. Brutus half smiles, 'Great, and you, what's your name, choose a weapon.' One thing I hate just as much as these games; rude people. I look at him and say ' I don't know, maybe I'll find one when I kill you for being so rude.' Cato's jaw drops. I'm still looking at Brutus who has his jaw clenched and arms clenching the arms of his chair. I stand up and excuse myself and say ' and its Clove.' And I walk through the doors to find a bedroom. I shut the door and sit on the bed, then on the bed side table, I see a remote and a Tv. I switch it on to this mornings reaping in all of the districts. In district 1 I see a really pretty girl and a boy who could double as her brother if he had blonde hair. They switch to me, my face panic stricken and walking to the stage, Cato volunteering. District 3 has a volenteer girl and a boy who is nothing special. They all move so fast and then we reach district 11, where a girl who looks no older than Fi, being reaped. And district 12, a girl maybe a year or two older than me volunteering for her sister, and a blonde boy, who looks as scared as I was when I was reaped, shaking hands with the girl. I hear a knock on my door 'Yeah?' I call out. The door opens, its Enobaria. 'Hey' she coos. I smile glumly at her, she's in my room at this stage, 'mind if I sit?' She points to my bed. I nod and she sits. ' Nice job back there' she says 'Brutus is a tough nut to crack' I smile while looking dow at my feet 'thank you' I say. I felt like Enobaria was someone I could trust, besides, once I get in to the arena, I can't trust Cato and Brutus and i have a mutual dislike of one another so she's as close to it as I can get. 'I don't want to do this,I don't want to be in the games' I tell her, ' I just wanted to raise my little sister' Enobaria looks at me and sighs at the ground. 'When I was reaped, I didn't want to be in the games either,' she begins ' but I found something I was good at and look at me, I won!' I smile, it makes me feel a bit better that Enobaria understands where I come from. She points to my locket 'What's this?' She asks. I take it off my neck and open it and show her. 'It's my mom' I say fighting back tears 'she died when I was 6.' Enobaria closes the locket and hands it back to me ' I'm sorry Clove, I can't imagine what that would be like.' Maybe if I was going to die in that arena, I know I was going to be with Mom. 'Thanks Enobaria' I say. She gives me a hug and I hug her back, knowing I would not only have a mentor but a friend. 'So how can I win?' I say to her. She laughs ' well you need to come up with a strategy about how you will play your interview.' She says 'this will determine how many sponsors you get in the arena. For example there was a girl a couple years back that portrayed herself as weak so she wouldn't be noticed, but towards the end of her games she found the courage and fought back.' I sat there, stunned at this girls plan 'Did she win?' I ask, intrigued, Enobaria nods, 'Johanna Mason, District 7.' After she says District 7, my heart stops. I think of the minimal memories I had with my dad before he left, how Junes and I were going to find him and convince him to come back to 2. They flush away as I look at Enobaria, knowing she will help me survive. She gets up, 'Think about it, strategy is key' she opens the door to leave my room, 'Dinner is in 10' she says before quietly shutting the door. I sigh, very tired from crying and talking to people all day. I crawl under the covers of my bed, I think about Enobaria said strategy is key and I decide that I'm gonna be the bad girl. The one who wants to win, who wants to kill, who is deadly. But how was I going to kill them? I suppose I'll decide that when I'm in the training centre. I close my eyes and fall asleep, thinking of my mother, my sisters and my death.

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