We Got A Hit

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I was going crazy. Bucky, Steve, and Sam had all left for some sort of mission thing.

Bucky had become a secret SHIELD agent, only Director Fury, Agent Hill, Steve, Sam, and I knew about it.

Steve didn't want to leave me about three days ago, for the mission in Southern Africa. I had to force him. He didn't want me to have another meltdown and go completely insane.


"Steven. You have to go." I ran my hands up his arms, to his shoulders.

"But what if you have another one of those moments when you forget where you are? I don't want to go. Sam and Buck'll be just fine without me."

"And so will I. Go. You need to trust me. Do you?" I held one hand on his cheek.

"Of course. I just don't trust the tesseract in you."

"Please, Steven. I promise to have Director Fury contact you if I have any problems."

"Promise to go see Banner if you don't feel good?"

"I promise. Now please, go, Steven." I smiled faintly. He put his hands on my hips and bent down to kiss my lips.

"I love you, Brooklyn."

"I love you, Captain. Now go." I smiled, watching him leave out the door in his suit and with his shield at hand.

End of Flashback

I was currently laying across the sofa, with the tv on, but not even paying attention to it. I missed my Sergio. I really did. I sighed, messing with my hands. I heard my phone start to ring from the bedroom. I got up and walked down the halls, turning into the room. That's when I stopped. Loki was standing across the room from me.

"Hello, my darling Brooklyn." He wore an evil smile, his arms crossed.


Sam's phone rang just as we landed the jet in Southern Africa.

"Agent Wilson..... Yes sir...." Sam looked to me, worried. "Yes sir. We'll be back to base as fast as possible." Damn. It was Brooklyn.

"What's wrong with her?" I immediately asked after he put his phone away.

"Fury had an agent to check on her about a half hour ago. She wasn't at the apartment. Fury said Loki got to her."

"Come on. We're turning the jet around."

"Fury! Do you know where Brooke is?" I asked, running into the conference room.

"Dr. Banner and Mr. Stark are searching for traces of the tesseract. Where ever that is, Brooklyn's with them." Fury replied. I took off in a sprint to the Lab, with Sam behind me. Bucky had started his own search, back at the apartment.

"Banner?" I walked over to him, instead of Stark. "Any luck?" Banner looked up, and shook his head. I sighed, heavily.


I was tied to an experiment table type thing, just like before. I tried desperately to break the straps holding me down. I managed to get one broken, then undid the other five, on my ankles, my other wrist, and my torso. I swung my legs over the table, then fell to the floor when I tried to walk. They had drugged me already. And I was feeling the effects of the drug in my system. I brushed my hair out of my face, pushing myself on to my bum.

"Poor, poor Brooklyn." Loki walked into the room with four large men behind him. "Running never solves anything."

"As long as I'm away from you, it solves everything." He sighed when I said that. One of the guards kicked the side of my head, making me fall back again. I felt blood trickle down my nose. I rolled over on to my stomach and closed my eyes.

"Smart comments never help, Brooklyn." Loki bent down next to me. I was suddenly lifted from the ground and back on to the table. "Now. Are you willing to cooperate and make things go more smoothly? Or do you need to be taught a lesson?" I just growled. "I think a lesson might be nice. Gentlemen." Loki nodded once to them before leaving.


Captain Rogers was sitting in a chair in the conference room, tapping his foot on the floor, impatiently. Loki had taken the machine used on Brooklyn before. That's what was pissing Steve off.

"Steve. Stop it." Sam walked to his friend. "Brooke's a strong girl. She'll be fine-"

"Not if Loki's doing things to her. He has complete control over her with his tricks." Steve cut in.

"Loki would not harm a girl." Thor shook his head.

"He did before. He put the tesseract in her, she has a scar on the back of her neck where he subdued her." Steve shook his head.

"Cap!" Tony came running into the room, causing Steve to jump to his feet. "We got a hit." This was the only time Steve had ever been happy to see Tony Stark.

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