Chapter 1

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There was exactly 1 month left of Summer Vacation. It was a bittersweet Ali Cade. Anyways, she didn't want summer to end because she was having a blast with her friends and for once, she wasn't pressured with school work. At the same time, she couldn't wait to be a senior. She wanted to do all senior activities and have advantages around senior. During freshman years she would witness all the fun that the senior they're having. Many times she would tell herself, "I'll be rocking in their shoes one day"

Now, 4 years later she was about to rocking in those shoes. Classtrips, Grad nights, and her favorite, the battle of the bands, etc...She couldn't wait for 'em all.

Ali was currently walking home from the beach. She spent the day there with her friends Nicole, Lauren, and Sophia. She had a blast as usual. She couldn't wait to spend the last month of summer rocking all day; but at the same time, preparing for school.

"I'm home!" Ali yelled as she walked through the door of her house. Ali lived with both her parents and her older brother Jonathan as he's mostly called as Jon and her younger sister Veronica. Veronica was going to be freshman.

"Hey, babygirl, glad you're here. After you shower can you come to the living room? Your dad and I wanna have a talk with you and your siblings"

"Yeah sure. I'll do it quick" Ali ran upstairs to shower. She was wondering what her parents will say. Her mom sounded pretty serious. She quickly got showered, changed and went back downstairs and entered the living room where her parents and siblings were already seated. She walked in and sat next to her brother.

"OK, now what?" Veronica asked.

Ali, Jon and Veronica's mom, Brianna sighed before speaking. "I apologize in advance because of the horrible timing but I just got transfered to another hospital." Brianna was a nurse here in Chicago.

"Okay, so?" Ali asked. "You always get transferred to a hospital around here." She shrugged.

"That's true sweetie but this time, I got transferred outside Chicago." Brianna squeezed her husbands hand afraid of their childrens reactions.

"What? Where?" Ali asked. This can't be happening. She thought.

"San Fransisco, California."

"What! I'm not moving to San Francisco! You're crazy!" Jon stood up.

"Jonathan, check that tone young man!" Their dad, John said.

"Again, I realize this horrible timing but I can't turn it down, not this time. They're desperate for nurses there. One upside is that my salary is going to increase which means we would have money and-" Brianna said but Ali cut her off.

"Nothing mom. How could you do this? I mean, I'm going to leave my whole life here. My friends, my school. I was so exited for senior year with my friends and now it's getting taken away." Ali said in a soft tone. Even though she was angry, she held her composure. She wasn't as explosive as her brother clearly was.

"We understand it's hard for you guys like your mom said, we got no choice. We're getting precisely one week before school starts there," John stood up and got boxes in the hall and dragged them in the living room. "Go start packing." Jon, Veronica, and Ali ran to their respecting rooms and shut the door.

They were really fucking pissed and couldn't believe what the hell is happening. Jon, Veronica and Ali was forced to leave their friends. Ali would only have her brother and her younger sister there. Even then, it would only be for one year. They hated this.

Jonathan kicked his bed so hard. Veronica was so furious and was on the verge of tears. Ali punched the wall so hard and buried her face on her pillow screaming, "FUCK!" In a matter of seconds their life changed they would now be living in San Francisco, where they would know no one except their family. They hated this.


Brianna sighed, "Okay guys, we have to head to the airport," she said then she took one last glance at the house. There we're movers all over carrying their furniture into a large truck. They were going to fly it all to San Francisco through a cargo airplane.

Ali, Jonathan, and Veronica made their way downstairs with their bags containing their personal belongings. Veronica rubbed her eyes as she stung from the cry she had down that same morning, saying goodbye to their friends.

The drive to the airport was complete dead silence. Everybody was so upset to say anything. Brianna couldn't help but feel bad about the situation because of her work, her children were being ripped away from the place they lived at their friends, school and were pulled out of their comfort zones. Brianna was only hoping that San Francisco would offer her children something better. The same for her husband who had quit his job as a mechanic. She was hopeful that he would find another job. John had made many years under his belt and was confident he would be successful. Brianna was snapped out her thoughts when her husband pulled into the parking lot of the airport. They got out and carried all their belongings inside. They quickly got their baggage situated and got their tickets. They were soon boarding their flight. Ali and Jonathan sat next to each other while Veronica sat with Brianna and John. They got seated and buckled up their seatbelts. Brianna turned around to look at Ali and Jonathan and gave then a sorrowed look before turning away and resting her head on her seat.

Ali pulled her earphones into her ears and listened to Queen's Somebody to Love. Ali turned the volume up all the way. That was her way of turning the world out. Jonathan glanced at his sister, Ali who was listening to music. Jonplaced his hand on top of Ali's and gave her a sweet smile. Ali returned the smile and mouthed, "It's gonna be okay." Jon nodded in agreement. Ali closed her eyes while getting lost in her music. Ali was hoping that at least one good thing would come out from moving to San Francisco. Right now, the chances of that happening were very low. Ali shook her head and sighed.

Hours later, they finally arrived San Francisco. It was early in the morning and it was freezing as hell.

"Great, I hate the fucking cold." Ali said as she stepped off the plane and immediately started shivering. The two sweaters she had on were not helping. It felt like she was not wearing anything at all. It was cold in Chicago, but in San Francisco, it was unbearable. Ali hated this shit. They grabbed their luggage from their respective gate and headed to a rental car they got until their car would get their. They drove, once again in silence to their new house. On the way there, Jon, Ali, and Veronica looked through the window at the city of San Francisco. Ali had to admit it looks cool. At least they would be living on the coolest side of the city. They soon arrived at their new two-story room. The family grabbed their luggage and stepped inside. Surprisingly, all their furniture was already in place. They all headed upstairs and separated into their respective rooms to get started.

Before entering, Brianna turned to Ali. "Ali, honey, one good thing about your room? It's got a small balcony." Ali smiled. She always wanted a room with a balcony. Ever since imagining what it would be like if a guy ever confessed to love her. Ali never really had luck in the boyfriend department. She always ended up dating assholes that were immature and took advantages of her graduates. She no longer wanted a boy. She wants a man. Her age of course. Some mature for her their age. Ali smiled softly before opening the door to her room. She entered and spotted the balcony. She walked over, opened the door and stepped out. They got the house on the very edge of the neighborhood so she go to see the whole place from the balcony. There was a brick wall separating the house from the large park. Ali looked up the sky and sighed. "Please bring something fuckin' awesome and good my way." Ali said out loud in a soft voice.

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