Chapter 13

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45 minutes later Thomas and I had finally finished what we had started with Piper in the room, We decided to quickly have a shower to freshen up to make ourselves look presentable again. When we were dressed Thomas saw me reaching for my make-up, giving me a look that told me he thought I wouldn't need it he said "Colby we have 5 minutes before they arrive."

It took me 2 minutes to apply a small amount of make-up before walking downstairs to meet Piper and Thomas at the front door. I opened the door with a welcoming smile as we walked towards the van, we organised the drop off to be at night that way it would help all of us half-bloods in case any had the same trait as me and turned red quickly and also so Thomas could walk out to the van and meet them.

We helped grab their bags before walking inside, we were still waiting on the second van to arrive, we placed their bags in the entry way and told them to make themselves at home in lounge area explaining we were waiting for a second van to arrive before we could begin. They seemed happy to wait as they started up some conversations.

I heard the second van arrive at the same time Thomas did, we did the same thing with the second van load. Once everyone was in the house we led them to the house meeting room which I had asked Piper to set up earlier today with all the paperwork they all needed as well as a bag full of university merchandise.

Once they were all seated I began, "Hey girls welcome to the house, I'm Colby the leader and the one that made this place a safe haven for us half-bloods, this is my fiancé Thomas he's a vampire private investigator but has helped me get this place approved and up and running, he'll be like a protector for us and this is Piper my best friend from high school now you can all tell she is human but she is a member of this house and is not to be harmed in any way, etc. We do have a house mother but she has decided to allow you all the chance to get your enrolments organised and settled in before she moves in." Looking around they all seemed excited to meet my grandmother. "However she is my grandmother so again hands off but she'll be here for any questions, etc you have. She's here to help us in any way possible."

Thomas stepped in and started explaining what his part is in this house would be, which was mainly just security but obviously would be hanging around a bit because of me. Piper was up next explaining she was excited to get to know each of them and help them with anything they needed before going on to explain what she was studying.

I then went around the room getting each of the girls to introduce themselves, "Thank you girls, I look forward to getting to know you all. Now if you open the box in front of you, you'll see there is some university merchandise for each of all to wear, decorate your rooms and use. This is your welcome gift from us, the tribunal and the university."

Afterwards I led them around the house to give them the grand tour. Once we hit the last room in the house, I turned to them "In each of your rooms I've made sure each of you are provided with linen, a laptop and toiletries. Now I know you all don't have much stuff which is why once you are all settled in I have organised with Thomas that we all go to the shopping centre so you can all buy clothes, make-up and anything else you may need to decorate your rooms. The Tribunal has organised for each of you a bank account with quite a bit of money in it for anything you may need throughout your time at university."

We went back downstairs and back into the meeting room so everyone could grab their stuff, "Now I'm hoping you all have had a chance to look through the university course guide because the sooner we get your enrolments finalised the sooner I can organise all the supplies each of you will need before the semester. If you haven't decided or you're having trouble that's okay come by my room and I'll go through it with you and help you but it would better if I saw you one by one. I'll also make sure you're supplies include a labeller so that you can label your belongings."

I watched as they made their way back to entry way and collected their rooms, in the meeting we organised room arrangements so it was easier for them to start unpacking.

The next couple days were all pretty much the same, the girls getting settled in and myself meeting with them one by one organising their enrolments. By the end of the week I had handed them in to the Dean and Piper and I went on a shopping trip ourselves for all of our supplies. We grabbed a bag for each of us to make it easier for the both of us to organise the supplies depending on what each of us was studying.

It took a couple hours but finally got it all completed, I had a special card that I was given by the tribunal to use which I would have to hand to the Dean so he could pass it on. I labelled each bag before placing them on the floor at the front of the meeting room just as Piper walked in with the girls. Once they were all seated Piper started grabbing a couple of bags as did I, "Hey girls just wanted to get you all together to make this easier, Piper and I went out this morning while you were all sleeping in and brought all the supplies we all needed to begin our studies." We handed each bag out and watched as the girls faces lit up with smiles and they started saying their thanks. "Now the books are only a semester worth as are some of the other supplies however if you need anything else let me know and I'll get it organised. Once the semester ends and before each new semester starts please write a list of supplies you will need for your classes so I can get them organised for you all. Piper and I will be doing the same."

As they all started leaving the room I realised I forgot to announce the shopping trip, "Oh and girls make sure you are ready by 10am tomorrow because we will be leaving at exactly 10am for the shopping centre for our shopping trip, the money on each of your cards is to be used for this obviously you don't have to use all it and the tribunal will be happy to see you aren't using it all because it will show them that you are also saving money at the same time. Unfortunately Thomas won't coming with us tomorrow due his obvious vampire circumstances but I'm sure we will manage on our own. I'm also in the middle of organising a tour of the campus for you all as well as a separate orientation to the rest of the first years. Good night ladies, see you in the morning."

As I lay in bed, snuggled up my mind went toThomas, I hadn't seen him much these last couple days as he was busy with hisnew investigation and I was busy with the girls. We'd be texting and callingeach almost all day the last couple days but I couldn't help but miss him. Isent him a quick night text before falling asleep.

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