~ Chapter One ~

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Y/n P.o.v

The music blasted throughout the large Van that sped across the barren roads of Texas.
It was dark outside.

I inhaled a sharp breath when I felt a pinch against my arm, I turned my head to see my younger sibling, Caleb, seated beside me, an innocent smile plastered across his face.
He tilted his head, "Uh," he grunted.

I sighed and forced a small smile onto my face, "Hi," I proceeded to turn my attention back to my window.
Caleb pursed his lips together after sticking his tongue out, "Uh, uh!" He whined, waving his arms around, his hand slapping my arm the slightest bit.

I rolled my eyes, a bit tired of my little brothers mentally impaired antics at the moment.

"Caleb-" I mumbled, rolling my eyes to meet his curious ones. He waited patiently for a response, though a few groans escaped his throat every now and then. "Can you calm down?" I requested, attempting to sound as polite as possible.

I could see my mom out of the corner of my eye, shifting in her seat to watch the two of us.

"Mmm... Nuh..." He grunted, obviously trying to speak english, but it came very difficult to him.
I furrowed my brows, trying to understand what he had been trying to say. "No?"

He quickly shook his head, only to stop mid shake- and nod.

I cocked my head back, "One or the other, Caleb." I informed.
He paused for a moment, before he began to bounce up and down in his seat, he lifted his hands and began to clap. He opened his mouth and let out a few excited squeals.

A low groan exited my maw as I turned to stare out of the car window once again, I took his energetic attitude as a no; he would not calm down.

But my patience for today was running thin.

"Stop it, Caleb!" I demanded, gripping his shoulder to hold him still.
This must have startled him.
His eyes widened, he held his hands close to his chest as he began to tremble.

My eyes nearly burst out of their sockets when I realized Caleb had began crying, and a warm liquid now seeped down the leather seat of the car- the liquid emanating from Caleb's pants.

I attempted to scoot away, I gripped the door handle and lifted half of my rear the best I could before shouting: "Mom! Caleb peed!"
Mom turned around, her eyes wide.

"Y/n! You scared him!" She blurted, quickly unbuckling her seatbelt before climbing onto the middle armrest in the front of the car.
She reached towards Caleb and began to stroke his now red cheeks.
"Agh!" He cried, before waving his small hands around in frustration.

I pursed my lips together for a moment, before figuring I should probably respond.
"I'm sorry!" Was all I could muster, I was a bit distracted by the pee that flooded Caleb's seat, and just barely began to coat my own seat.

Mom shook her head, "Okay, okay- no biggie," she mumbled to herself under her breath.
She stared at Caleb for a long moment, before turning to look at my dad, who was driving- completely uninterested in the occasion taking place around him.

"Pull over," mom commanded, though her tone was more pleading than anything.

"Maaa!-" Caleb moaned, his hands waving around violently.
Dad shook his head, "We're almost to the gas station, we can take care of em' There." He finished.
Mom's jaw dropped in disgust, "I'm not letting my son sit in his own pee for five minutes! Pull the car over!" She shouted, quite obviously annoyed at my father at the moment.

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