| Chapter two |

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Big thanks to The lovely _PainAuChocolat14_ for editing this book for me, go give her some love ♥️

Ron and Harry went to the boats while I met back up with Ara, Lee, the twins, and Oliver. We made our way into the castle and through to the Great Hall, and sat at the Gryffindor table. I chewed my lip and picked at one of my fingernails anxiously, overthinking Hermione's sorting. What if she gets sorted into Slytherin? The nasty little voice in my head suggested. You'd never see her again...

I punched the voice into the corner of my mind, and tried to reason with myself. Nah, I told myself. She won't get sorted into Slytherin - she's not like them... she's more Ravenclaw than anything.

Even then, said the nasty voice, dusting itself off and standing up. You'd hardly ever see her - you never get any classes with Ravenclaw...

My rioting thoughts were suddenly interrupted by a shout.

"Hey, mudblood!" I heard someone call from the Slytherin table. I span around on the bench to see Marcus Flint, the Slytherin Qudditch Captain, laughing at me. Anger boiled in my blood. I saw red - but before I got a chance to rearrange his teeth McGonagall came through the door with the first years. I spotted Hermione, and waved wildly at her. She smiled a little bit, and gave me a small wave back. Of course, this didn't change the fact that she looked absolutely petrified.

I sort of zoned out throughout the sorting, staring at a small dent in my spoon, until McGonagall's crisp voice called out my little sister's name.

"Granger, Hermione"

I turned to watch as she walked up to the stool and sat down, and McGonagall placed the hat on her head.

I held my breath for what seemed like forever, waiting for the hat to make its choice. But, just when I thought it wasn't able to decide:

"GRYFFINDOR!" the hat yelled, before being removed from Hermione's head. She ran over to me and hugged my waist, ecstatic. I hugged her too, and she sat beside me and I quietly introduced her to my friends.

"This is Oliver, Lee, Fred and George - good luck telling those two apart - Ara, you know her - and Percy. He's a prefect" I said, as each of the boys grinned at her, apart from Percy, who held out his hand for Hermione to shake.

A few more names were called, until:

"Potter, Harry"

At the mention of his name, the entire hall went silent. He stepped out of the line, and walked cautiously towards the stool. I gave him a thumbs up, but he was too nervous to smile back.

He sat on the stool, and McGonagall put the hat on his head. For a few tense moments, the hat mulled over Harry's qualities. He was whispering something to the hat, almost silently. I couldn't hear it, but, whatever it was, the hat seemed to believe him.

"GRYFFINDOR!" It yelled again, and our table absolutely exploded. Ara and I  cheered like crazy, but it probably wasn't heard over the chant the twins started to taunt Slytherin.

He walked over to our table, and sat down - I smiled to myself as Percy immediately introduced himself to an incredibly shell-shocked Harry.

A few minutes later, that Malfoy boy was instantly sorted into Slytherin. I had thought he was bad enough as it was, but now I knew he was going to be trouble.

Ron was sorted last (I guess the list was organised alphabetically or something). As soon as the hat touched his firey red hair, it screamed 'GRYFFINDOR! "

He too came to sit down, and I ruffled his hair and laughed something incomprehensible about being brave.

Dumbledore said a few words (but I could barely hear them over the racket my stomach was making) before opening the feast.

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