First Things First

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So first things first, (haha) I'm really excited to start writing again. I've got a few ideas for stories and poems and I'm really excited to share them. First things first pertaining my ideas, I know it might sounds a little dumb but I've been getting my story ideas from writing prompts I found off the internet... I mean, they're not bad prompts, they really get the gears turning; I just wanted to get that out because technically these aren't my ideas. I was thinking about writing the original prompt in the first chapter of the story or on the first page of each chapter either one sounds cool. Of course I'm going to have stories containing my own ideas, but I thought the perfect way to get started would be using a prompt. 

I also noticed how much love my first story was getting and I just wanted to say thank you so much! I know I haven't replied to any comments because at first I was kind of embarrassed at the thought of someone seeing my Wattpad notifications and finding out I wrote fanfiction... Now, I'm over that and I'm extremely grateful for the comments and nominations, I would've replied to them once I read them but I read them like a year later and it would be kind of weird. I'm also not 100% sure what the nominations mean... That just shows how bad I'm going to be at this. I'm also not sure if I'm going to write more fanfiction but I just haven't really found much as much interest in it as much as I used to. 

 Anyway, to summarize this whole chapter, I'm excited to start writing again and hope to bring something new to Wattpad; not anything like, revolutionary, just something different. I'm also going to try much harder responding to comments/messages and hopefully they'll all be positive! I also hope this story writing thing turns out really great and I give people something new to read. 

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