Chapter 9

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Well I finally got this chapter posted. I've been really busy for the past week and this should have been up way sooner! Once again though,thank you for all the votes and reviews and I really appreciate them a lot!!  Hope you enjoy!! :)

     I woke up again with a skull splitting headache and my ears ringing like they had the day before. The room was dark thankfully, but at the same time it was giving me a creepy vibe. If vampires existed, I'm sure ghosts did too. The room itself almost felt haunted and empty. I was sure that if I thought about it too much that I would start to hear and see things. So I waited patiently until my head started to spin less and my vision adjusted,before I slowly got up and turned the lamp onto the lowest possible setting.

   It felt like it was freezing, but then again I had went to bed in only my bra and torn pajama bottoms. The top for my pajamas was too beyond repair to even consider wearing. It was tattered and torn especially close to the shoulders and I would rather sleep in nothing then wear that awful dress, which lay discarded on the floor close to the bed.

  I crossed my arms over my body as I looked around the room. I didn't know what I was looking for the room was the same as it had been when Dominic had left. Then I noticed that the door to the closet was slightly ajar. I walked over to it cautiously, and slowly opened it as if I expected something to leap out at me, but nothing did and I saw that new clothes had been hung up. There were a few long sleeved shirts,a couple pairs of jeans, a jacket or two, and of course more dresses. At the bottom of the closet I saw that there were a few pairs of shoes as well. Dominic must have brought them in while I had been asleep. I didn't even look twice at the dresses, and quickly picked out a light pink shirt and pulled it over my head. It was a little too big,so I rolled up the sleeves and did my best to keep the rest of it from slipping off of my shoulders. Other then that it was maybe the warmest thing I had had on in over two days.

   As I slipped on a pair of jeans I began to think about everything Dominic had told me. He said to use whatever I could to my advantage. But what did I have that I could use to help me and not harm me? Sure for some weird reason I somehow saw parts of Jacob's past. But that made him angry and scared me. If anything that was something that could get me killed faster. Yet, I was starting to come up with a different plan. If Dominic wasn't going to help me,I has to figure out something for myself. The first part of the plan had to with the windows in Jacob's study. I just had to figure out a way to get in there again. Frustrated I plopped down on the bed.

I puzzled over it while slightly biting my lip. I must have been deep in thought because I didn't even notice Dominic as he came in,until he stood right in front of me holding a tray. I looked up and was startled,but his eyes weren't focused on mine. He was staring at my mouth. I realized I was still biting my lip and stopped. For a moment I swore something flashed in his eyes and whatever it had been made me feel uncomfortable. I couldn't name it, but all traces of it were gone from his face now.

"Brought you some breakfast." He didn't look at me as he set the tray down beside me on the bed.

   I looked over and saw there was a plate with a few strips of bacon and scrambled eggs, a cinnamon roll, and a glass of orange juice. My nose wrinkled when I saw the eggs, just the sight of them made me nauseous. In fact I didn't really have an appetite at all, but I decided it would be a good idea if I ate something so I could have some energy for later. I ate two pieces of the bacon and more then half of the cinnamon roll even though it was too sweet, and avoided the eggs entirely. As I sipped on the orange juice,I looked over at Dominic who sat in the chair watching me with a completely blank expression so I couldn't tell what he was thinking. I decided that I didn't like it when I didn't know what was on his mind. For some reason it unnerved me more than when he was showing his emotions.

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