Princess Twilight Sparkle and Creek

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Princess Twilight arrived back at her castle where Creek and Starlight Glimmer were both waiting,

"Twilight, while you were gone, I went ahead and taught Creek how to levitate and teleport objects. At least he didn't accidentally manage to teleport the Cutie Map unlike what Trixie did when I tried to teach her to teleport objects." Starlight said.

Twilight nodded, since both Trixie and Starlight Glimmer told her what had happened a couple weeks ago.

"Who's Trixie?" Creek asked.

"She's a friend of ours." Starlight explained.

"Oh, okay, I hope she didn't cause either of you trouble. Did she?" Creek asked.

Twilight and Starlight nodded.

"So she did cause you trouble?" Creek asked.

Twilight and Starlight nodded.

"Neither of you even thought about banishing her."

Twilight and Starlight shook their heads. "Why would we." Twilight asked.

"I don't know, I guess I started thinking about that." Creek said.

"Okay." Twilight said, turning to Starlight. "What should we teach him next."

"I guess we could teach him a transfiguration spell." Starlight replied as the three ponies trotted into Twilight's castle.

Twilight levitated an apple down in front of Creek. "Okay, Creek, focus on this apple and think of something and then use your magic to turn it into whatever you are thinking of."

Creek nodded, focusing on the apple in front of him, he ended up turning the apple into a cup of water, impressing Twilight and Starlight.

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