''Y-y-y-you're not missing, Richie.'' Bill said, trying to comfort him.

''That's my shirt, that's my hair, that's my face! That's my name, that's my age, that's the date!'' Richie was beyond hysterical, cursing and freaking out.

''Richie!'' Bill said. ''That's not real.  IT's playing tricks on you.''

''Hello?" A voice said, coming from upstairs. ''Hello?"

They moved towards the stairs, when the voice called out again. ''Help me, please.''

The stairs were creaking from under them, and they could hear the panicked breathing of something, or someone. They turned down a hallway. The door was open, and they could see the partial body of Betty Ripsom. She was coughing, blood dripping down her chin, and she looked at them.

''Betty?" Layla whispered.

''Ripsom?" Richie finished.

Before anything else was said, she screamed as she was dragged backwards. Layla was walking with Eddie, and suddenly he stopped.

''Layla, did you hear that?" She noticed his attention was towards the end of the hall. She didn't hear what he was hearing.

Eddie brought out his inhaler, and took a big gulp. A door creaking grabbed Layla's attention, and she could hear growling coming from it. Layla could hear a door creaking behind her as well, and saw the room that was occupied by Richie and Bill, their door was closing.

Eddie and Layla bolted towards the door, when it finally slammed shut. ''Guys!'' Eddie cried out.

Before they could make it to Bill and Richie, the floor decayed away, showing that below them was the kitchen. ''What the fuck!'' Eddie cursed. His arm was across Layla's torso, for he stopped her from going over.

''Layla! Eddie!'' Bill cried out, slamming on the door with his hands.

Circus music was being played, and it was out of tune. Layla felt a boney hand on her shoulder, and turned to see the leper that Eddie was scared of. ''Time to take your pill, Eddie.'' It said, it's voice raspy and terrifying.

Unknowingly, Eddie grabbed Layla's hand and they both fell backwards, onto a wooden table. Layla let out a gasp, as she felt the wind being knocked out of her, and the wooden table broke under them. Layla felt something wet drip down her forehead, and touched it gently. Her temple was bleeding and she hissed softly.

Eddie let out a gasp as he sat straight-up. Layla looked at Eddie's arm, which was clearly broken. ''Eddie, your arm. C'mon we gotta go.''

Eddie wasn't looking at her, his eyes were staring straight ahead. She looked where he was looking, and saw a hand on the fridge. A gloved, white hand. The fridge opened, and the clown's body was all mushed up inside of it. IT was laughing as it began to push out the fridge, IT's limbs were all twisted.

When the clown's body was finished, IT looked at Layla and Eddie. ''Time to float.''

Layla let out a quiet, strained gasp. IT started walking towards them, in a mocking way, swinging it's arms. Layla put herself in front of Eddie, as IT drew closer. Finally, IT moved towards Layla and screamed in her face. Eddie was crying behind her, and IT began to mock Eddie's crying.

Layla's heart was pounding, and she could feel tears swell up in her eyes. IT had it's hands on her face, holding it tightly. She let out a sob, and IT rejoiced in making the two teens cry, and panic. She was truly terrified, and she let out a strangled cry.

''Tasty, tasty, beautiful fear.'' IT smirked, drooling all over Layla, making her gag. If anything, she'd rather have IT traumatize her instead of Eddie. IT smiled at her, showing each row of sharp teeth.  IT's jaw was pushed forward, as more teeth began to show. Suddenly, IT stopped. IT's head was turned towards the side, it's mouth ajar.

''Bill! Bill!'' Layla screamed,  while Eddie was crying for help. IT covered her face with his hand, and Bill and Richie came bursting through the door.

''Layla! Eddie!'' Richie yelled.

Layla could see the terrified look in Bill's eyes as IT had her in it's grasp.

''This isn't real enough for you Billy? I'm not real enough for you?" IT said, fake sadness lacing the words.

''Holy shit.'' Richie said, staring at the clown.

''It was real enough for Georgie!'' IT began laughing, that high-pitched laugh, like a maniac.

Layla watched Bill's horrified expression on his face, that this clown was the reason for the disappearance of his little brother.

IT advanced towards Bill and Richie, before Beverly came in and struck it in the eye with a fire-poker. IT's blood was floating in the air, and the group moved towards Layla and Eddie. Bill grabbed onto Layla, holding her closely to him. IT turned around, the pole still in it's eye. The clown was drooling, and had his focus on Bill, Layla, Richie, Eddie and Beverly.

IT's gloved hand stretched out, becoming a werewolf like hand, and ripped the glove to shreds. Bill was holding Layla's head in his chest, trying to cover her eyes. Layla was sobbing, and screaming at the same time.

IT jumped at the group, making Beverly move against the wall. He laughed, before turning around and slashing Ben's stomach with his claws. IT did a bow, as it descended down a hall. Bill let go of Layla and went after the clown. ''Don't let IT get away.''

Layla reached her hand out, ''Bill, please!''

Richie was freaking out about Eddie's arm. ''I'm gonna- I'm gonna snap it back in place!''

''DO NOT FUCKING TOUCH ME! DO NOT TOUCH ME!'' Eddie screamed over Richie's counting.

''One, two, three!'' Richie took Eddie's arm and snapped it upwards, and the bone made a sickening crack noise.

a/n ; double update!! this was by far by favorite chapter to write! let me know how this story is!!

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