We all arrived at McDonald's in our separate cars. I pull into the parking lot. I wait for Chelsea and Cody to exit their vehicles, then I do the same.

We all stand in line, people talking loudly all around us

"What are you going to get?" Chelsea asks, her eyes focused on the large menu

"A hamburger" I reply

Chelsea giggles softly at my answer

"What?" I ask, confused as to why she was laughing

"Nothing..IT's just the way you say hamburger. It makes you sound very...British-Like" She laughs "Say it again"

I squint my eyes slightly "..Hamburger?" 

"Yes!" She laughs again "I love it" She smiles as she walks up to the counter, placing her order

"I don't think it's that great" Cody says under his breath


We sit at a booth up against the window

"So, what's the story between you two" I say, unwrapping my hamburger

Cody then glued his attention to Chelsea, waiting for her to answer

"We are really good friends" Chelsea says, sipping her Coke.

Cody's eyes dim slightly at Chelsea's answer. 

"Yeah, friends" Cody utters, moving his eyes back to his food

"We met Freshman year when I started going to his church" Chelsea continued "Been great friends ever since" She smiled at him "Oh" She said, her facial expression  changing "What were you going to ask me before church started?"

"Oh..it was nothing" he replied


Lunch with Louis and Cody went really well, although for some reason It felt as if there was tension...but I think that was just a figment of my imagination

I pull my car up beside Louis as he parks a ways away from our dorm building.

"Thanks for coming to church today" I say, shutting my door "It was really nice having you there"

He nodded in response. As we begin walking to our building, a couple of guys approached us from behind. I turn around and see that they are staggering, barely able to walk. They are obviously drunk

"Hey y-you!" They slur

"Don't reply" Louis said, continuing to walk forward

I nod, following him

"Oh what Lou..don't want to talk wid uus" one of them shout "Oh come onn"

I heard the footsteps pick up, they appeared in front of us "Come on Lou" The taller one pushes Louis harshly . Louis face then turns to aggravation. He begins to lift his fist

"Louis, stop" I gently push his hand back down and we push past them

"He doesn't want to talk to us, he's to buzy wi-th that skank" 

Louis then stops abruptly. His face turned from aggravation to anger. 

"Louis, don-"

Before another sound could come out of my mouth, Louis swung around, his fist connecting with the guys jaw. I gasped, covering my mouth. All the drunk guys quickly scattered away, abandoning their hurt friend. The injured one stood there, holding his jaw, moaning.

"Come on" Louis said, placing his hand in the small of my back, quickly leading me inside 

"Louis, you shouldn't have done that" I shook my head quickly " You could get in loads of trouble"

"They are drunk, they won't remember" He says, shaking his hand roughly, spreading out, then squeezing it back together

"Your hand" I say, grabbing it gently "It's hurt"

"No it's fine" He said, pulling it away and shaking it again

"Don't be such a guy. Come with me" 

We walk to my room, where I have a first aid kit.

He sat on my bed as I pulled the kit out from my closet

"I've been waiting for a chance to use this" I smiled, walking over to him

"Ouch" He said, pulling his bloody knuckles away from the alcohol wipe

"Be a man" I laughed, grabbing his hand once again "Stay still

"First you tell me to stop being a man, then you tell me to be one. Make up your mind" He smirked as he closed his eyes, leaning his head against my wall "Ow! Gosh, keep that demon wipe away from my hand"

"Louis, quit being a baby and stay still" I wipe the rest of his hand clean, then wrap it in a bandage

"I'll get you some ice" I walked to my cooler, pulling out an ice pack

"Keep it on there for at least an hour" I say,

He nods his head, opening his eyes again "Thanks" he says, holding up his hand

"Welcome" I half smile, putting away the kit. I walk back to my bed, sitting beside Louis "Thanks for defending me back there...You didn't have-"

"It's fine" He replied shortly, then showing a small smile "I better get back to my room. I'll return your ice as soon as possible" he waved with his good hand before closing my door.

I lean back completely on my bed, smiling at the ceiling.  I thought about how heroic Louis acted. Old Louis would never defend me like that...He really has changed, hasn't he?..Now if I could only get him to like me as more than a friend..which seems impossible. What if I'm falling for him for no reason? I could be completely wasting my time...but for some reason I don't care. I want this to work with everything in me.

The Player's Game [Louis T. AU]Where stories live. Discover now