'Oh, we'll top it on the repeat, just wait and see.' Sofia shivered at the intensity of Prince's gaze. He leaned over and gave a little nibble to her shoulder. 'You're too delicious to ignore.' A pat on the bum, and he swiveled away, calling over his shoulder, 'Don't fall asleep in the sun!'

That man...Sofia shook her head as she walked on into the kitchen area to fix some breakfast. She was surprised to see a man standing there, in what looked like a chef's uniform.

'Good mornin' ma'am! What would you like to eat this fine mornin'?'

Sofia looked at the clock on the wall. 11:30-well, technically it's still morning.. 'Good morning! I'm Sofia, and you are?' She reached out a hand to shake as she greeted this friendly stranger.

'I'm Hentley. I'm on staff at this home, and several others in the area. I do the cooking, and I'm Cordon Bleu trained, so anything you want, I can probably make it.' His gleaming brown face was filled with pride.

'I'm not sure you've met Prince, yet. In case you haven't, he's vegetarian, but he does eat eggs.'

'Oh, yes, ma'am, we met a few hours ago. He said he doesn't sleep much.'

'He doesn't have a big appetite, either, but I'm hoping to get him to eat more regularly.'

'So, what would you like today?'

'Just a bowl of cereal and some fruit if you have it.'

'Any particular kind of milk?'

'Coconut would be wonderful.'

'We have that, ma'am. I received a fax with a list of your necessities. Yes, we also have fruit, both regular and tropical. May I put a small fruit salad together for you?'

'Yes, please, and if you made the coffee this morning, thank you so much. It is delicious.' Sofia closed her eyes with a look of true happiness on her face.

If possible, Hentley's smile became bigger. 'Thank you. I was happy to get to use Kona coffee. Your husband specifically requested it.'

'Oh, he's-'

'Always thinking of you.' Prince magically appeared in the kitchen, wrapped an arm around her waist, and pulled her against his side. Where did he come from? Sofia stared, completely confused. I thought he was...I give up.

'Thanks for making the coffee, Hentley. Could you make me a bowl of cereal also, with soy milk, please.' Taking Sofia by the hand, he led her into the dining room, pulling out a chair so she could be seated. Sitting next to her, he took her right hand and put it on his thigh.

'Ummm, you didn't correct him.'


'When he referred to me as your wife.'

'He said that? Huh.' He looked far too innocent to be telling the truth. Sofia whacked him on the arm. 'You heard him, I know you did!'

'Well, what was it your mama said, 'You don't have to say everything you know'?

'Okay, have it your way. Just know you're being more than slightly dishonest.'

Not in my heart, I'm not. Prince just smiled.

Hentley came in with a tray with two bowls of Captain Crunch, and two small pitchers.

'Captain Crunch, still?' Sofia looked at Prince with one raised eyebrow,

I go with the classics, Babe,' was his reply, along with another gaze that stopped Sofia in her tracks. I love how flustered I can make her with just a look.

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