(2) Experiment

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I rub my arms from where their grip was. There would bruises by morning, if I lived that long. I fully expect to find myself shot but instead I'm forced into a metal chair where my legs and arms are strapped down.

The guards leave and three men in lab coats flow into the room. None of them talk to me and none of them seem to even notice that I'm lying a few meters from them. I watch as they start to write things on a clipboard. I manage to catch a peek and see that the information is about me. My age, gender, height and weight. One of them seems to be filling several needles with different fluids. I'm starting to get worried.

They always take away the people who are to be injected with babies to another facility but maybe they've decided to inject me now. I start to struggle in my straps making the chair squeak in protest. One of the men look up from his work and frowning says, " Be still." I don't see the point of listening when they are about to seal my death and I continue, determined to be as defiant as possible until my last breath.

The man with the syringes approaches me and attempts to inject one of the fluids into me. He manages to insert the needle into my vein but my struggling manages to snap the needle making him curse as the liquid starts to run down my arm. " Hah!" I yell " I just killed a dozen of your wretched eggs!" 

The man wipes a cloth on my arm soaking up the liquid and than replies   "Thankfully there wasn't a single egg in that injection," the man than speaks to one of his partners "Cecil bring the numbing serum our subject isn't being very cooperative."

I watch in horror as the man called Cecil rubs oil on my arm. Slowly the arm becomes numb and unresponsive. I try with all my power to move the arm but it seems that the muscles have stopped listening to my brain. If I'd thought the men would offer an explanation as to what they've  done to me I'm  sorely mistaken. After all I'm only a human below them in every way. The needles are inserted into me quickly and effectively with no more hassle.

The three of them step back and start to monitor me. I gulp as what they are doing becomes clear. Apparently I'm still useful, maybe not for working but I suppose every lab needs a lab rat. It doesn't take long for the injections to start to affect my body. At first there is only a burning in my shoulder but slowly the burn spreads until my whole body feels like it's on fire. I try to scream but every muscle has frozen leaving my teeth clenched together.

The fire continues to burn coursing through my veins and resting deep within my heart. I have gone past pain and torture, this pain is a whole new level. I would rather have their evil sick babies eating their way through me if it would mean the pain would stop.

 Slowly the pain begins to die and feeling comes back to my body. I give a sigh as a cool steals over my body, a feeling welcomed after the fire.

The cold starts to spread though and soon my whole body is wracked with shivers.

Eventually the muscles forget about shivering and contract trying to keep as warm as possible. The cold is sharp and pierces my mind filling it with an endless numbness that makes it impossible to remember if I've  ever known what heat is. The cold starts to burn and fog escapes from my mouth as I breathe in and out in shallow gasps. Or perhaps it's just my mind playing trucks. I don't know how long the ice remains inside but after what must be years my body begins to thaw.

One by one my fingers become warm. The warmth slowly, achingly begins to spread to the rest of me. I breathe a great lungful of air in when finally my body is back to its normal temperature. I breathe a sigh of relief as finally whatever they did to me is over. 

All at once the light aches my eyes. Small insignificant sounds become as loud as waterfalls and scents too faint to smell become as strong as the antiseptic in the room. My nerves begin to stand on end when the clothes I'm in feel as if someone has wrapped me in barbwire and my tongue is flooded with tastes that have floated in on the air. Maybe if just one of my sense had become more sensitive it would of been manageable but having them all suddenly bring everything into so much more detail is excruciating.

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