"I'm happy we got over that rough patch", she announces.

"Me too, I'm still a little upset but there was no we were gonna throw the entire friendship away."

"I know, it's gonna take some time. But as long as he has his God mommy in his life I'm happy."

"I can't wait for him to get here' I rub her belly, 'he's gonna be so damn spoiled", I laugh.

"Girl Daddy already talking about taking him to golf matches and Kendal won't shutup about him playing basketball. As for Mel, he has this boy's entire life planned out."

"What about Mama, how's she dealing with all of this?", I looked up at her.

"She's her. She still walks around acting mad but she's bought him stuff. We painted the nursery today. I wanted my closet to be it, but Daddy moved his office downstairs."

"It's still a sore subject for her. Trust me, once he gets here she's gonna fall in love."

The time was now going on 11:30 and we were leaving at midnight. We when got to D.C. it would be extremely late so Jon's uncle was letting us stay in house until we were ready to go move in.

"Well bestie, you'll be leaving pretty soon. I'm gonna miss you so much", she pulled me into a hug.

"I know, this still doesn't seem real. I'm gonna miss it here.", my eyes started to water.

"Ughh, we are not supposed to be crying.", she laughed.

Kelise and I held each other's embrace for a long time.

"Wait I have something for you", she got up and went towards her car.

She went into the passenger side and pulled out a gift bag.

"Lise what's this?", I took the bag from her.

"Open it and see."

I pulled all of the tissue paper out and saw that there was more gifts wrapped in paper. I unwrapped the first gift and it was a picture frame that held the very first picture of Kelise and I was snagatooth. My hair had two braided ponytails in the front with the back wild. She had braids with beads and was rocking her glasses that she hated so much. The frame was silver and said "The best memories were created with you."

"Awww Kelise!", I began to tear up.

"But wait! There's more!", she laughed.

I went into the bag again and pulled out another wrapped gift. I tore the paper off and it was a Pandora box. I looked up at her and she turned her head. I opened the box and saw a charm bracelet. The first charm was a baby footprint. Following it was a graduation cap, a half a heart that said best, and a lawyer scale since I was going to school for pre-law.

"I love it so much.", I hugged her.

She raised up the sleeve of her jacket to show me hers. She had the same exact charms, except for the lawyer scale. Hers was a smiling tooth, since her dream career was a dentist.

"I plan on adding more charms to the both of ours. But keep going."

I dug into the bag again and pulled out a mint colored hoodie. It had a collage of our selfies since freshman year. I started cracking up because we looked a hot mess in some of those photos. On the back it said "Kelise's Better Half" in gold sparkly letters. There was also a bunch of outfits with a pair of shoes.

"Okay be right back", she ran to the car and opened the trunk. She pulled out a big box .

"Kelise what the hell is this?", she handed it to me.

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