Author's Note

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Most of you are probably wondering why you even clicked the Read button. Why would you waste your time reading a lengthy book on one of the most hated characters in the series?

Before you click the back arrow in an attempt to find another "more interesting" novel, have you ever wondered why Petyr Baelish had become the backstabbing, murderous, traitor he was?

I won't give you the details (in case you change your mind), but it was mostly due to his early life.

Perhaps you have read a Wikipedia article on him or you just decided it was of little value to you. Either way, this book depicts his life as a young boy in Riverrun, his duel with Brandon Stark, rise to a prominent Lord, and other events. (While long hours of research aided in writing this book, not every fact may be accurate and that's alright).

Some of you may be already impatient and annoyed with this note and want to hurry up and begin reading (I am sure some of you didn't even read it). While others of you might read this book just to see if your opinion about this [enter explitive(s) here] man might sway in any sort of way.

Others may want to never turn to the prologue. Maybe there's no point in reading it now. Maybe you click the Save To My Library button and wait until it collects figurative dust before you actually read it. (You don't have to save it to your library, but you could as a reminder for later) Perhaps you believe that, despite what this note says, you'll never even open this book again.

But as the man once said, "There is a lot that can happen between now and never."


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