Chapter 2: Our Secret

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Harper P.O.V

Rrrring! The lasts bell of the day,Finally!

Everyone ran out of the class room ...well ..every one exept me.I always waited for everyone else to leave before leaving myself. As i waited i couldnt help but notice one of Ravens friends, Diamond , staring at me giving me the same bitch face she gave everyone she doesn't like. Which would include me. I just ignored it as i do everyday. When i finally saw there wasn't anyone in the hallway i quickly got my stuff and left the classroom walking fast to the front of the school and leaving.

As i walked i put my The neon blue headphones that were on my neck on and started listening to Melanie Martinez having the volume on so high i couldn't here any sound from the outside world

---------------Short time skip-----------------

I was about five blocks from my house when some one grabbed my headphones.


I yelled only to see a medium sized girl with brown hair putting on my headphones

She rocked her head back and forth before taking them off and holding them in one hand

"Melanie Martinez?" she asked smiling

I quickly grabbed her and held her close in a hug I didn't want her to escape from.

It was Saphire

" Heh" she laughed softly"Did you really miss me that much?" She said "I saw you this morning."
I pulled away slowly "Yeah" I said sarcastically.

"And I got slapped." I said as I pointed to the scratch Raven's fake nails left on my cheek.

"Well ... mabey a kiss will make it better." Said as she kiss my cheek.
I wasn't satisfied

I grabbed her hand and pulled her towards me pressing my lips against hers. Having all the stress from today leave my body .
But of course all good things come to an end.

We eventually broke the kiss when a random guy walking down the street whistled at us saphire blushed and me flicking him off.

"Fuck you!" I yelled still flicking him off and getting the same gester in return.

"Come on." I told her.

"Wait....can we go to my house?" she asked me.

"Sure." I said back. My mom she wouldn't mind me staying at a 'friends house'.

--------------------Time skip --------------------

Saphire P.O.V

It took awhile before we got my house but we finally did. When we got there my mom was pulling out of the drive way.

"Bye saphire! Dinners in the fridge." she looked at Harper.

"Oh..hi Harper are you staying over tonight ?"

"Well i didnt think about that ...but if...your fine with it ..i guess i could stay."

"Okay , I wont be home till tomorrow after noon , so try not to get to carried away!"
She said before waving good bye
But right before leaving she rolled down the window and yelled
"Bye Saphire! Love you! Have a nice weekend!"


I yelled back before grabbing harpers hand and dragging her inside. We both threw are backpacks on the couch and walked up the steps to my room. And went inside. I walked to the center of the room before hearing the door close and lock i turned around to see a blushing Harper bitting her lip. I quickly walked over to her and kissed her and her returning it. She put her arms around my waist and me putting mine around her neck she then picked me up bridal style and carried me to my bed she put me down and towered over me she stared and me and me starring back.

" you know how beautiful you look right now."
She said placeing her hand on my cheek.

"Not as beautiful as you." I said back. I then grabbed her by the coller of her shirt and pulled her close enough for me to kiss her ...

But i I couldn't....

"SIS! IM HOME!" a boys voice called followed with the front door slamming.
'Dammit!' I thought. 'Mickys home.'

Harpers. P.O.V.

I quickly jump off her. Saphire yelled "Give me a minute! I'll be right there" laughing a bit.
"Your brother always ruins it for us." i said pouting.

"Sorry." She said smirking "Guess your gonna have to wait for another time."
I walked up to her about to kiss her when she said "Nope, if you kiss me now you wont be able to tonight."she said giveing me a smile.

'Im soo getting her tonight.' I thought to myself


HI ,HI so im just gonna say that the saphires brothers name is pronounced *mike* then you say the letter 'E '
So mike*E
Hes also in 3rd grade and has ADHD
( he's mostly based on my brother cause my brother has it so im not making anything up)
Oh! And sorry for the grammar plz forgive me
*walks over to window and sees the grammar Nazis*
Oh shit
The one only prince of this kingdom is out

IG : anime_tomboi

The Secrets We Share Is The Love We Share   (Girl X Girl)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ