Chapter Two: That Damned Project

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Changkyuns pov

It was just another random day at school. The usual. The sky was quite blue today as me and my best friend Kihyun walk in together.

Me and Kihyun have known each other forever since out parents are really close.

"Oh look there's that red head bully again." Kihyun points out to me as we enter the school gates. I growl.

Just as Kihyun said he was hidden behind the side of the building threatening some kid. I rolled my eyes.

I've frequently told Kihyun how much I hate that boy, to which kihyuns response is to just point him out everytime we see him. As if I want to notice him Kihyun.

We finally enter the building and head straight to our first class, history. Class hasn't started yet but we like to sit in the class rather than be outside with all the noise.

As soon as we get in we make our way to our seats at the back, luckily me and kihyun sit next to each other.

Soon, as the time before the bell rings get smaller and smaller, more kids fill into the class. Including the best asshole in the world Lee JooHeon.

I don't even know why I hate him so much but I just do.

After a few more moments of talking about random stuff with kihyun and trying to ignore my hatred towards a certain someone, the bell rings and the teacher enters.

"Hello students I suppose you know what day it is?" She said with a smile as she walked in with her morning cup of coffee.

The whole class froze. She only either says that when we have a test or a project, and either way, it's not good.

"It's project time!" She exclaims with glee as she places her cup down and walks to the front of the class and scans us.

"Okay so last time I let you pick your own partners a certain someone never did anything and ruined it, so now I'll assign partners, and no groaning at me you can all thank your classmate Jooheon." She finished as we all groaned and jooheon just shrugged.

I wasn't really listening to her as she read out the list, I was mostly focusing on Kihyun telling me about what colour he wants to dye his hair. I warned him any colour but red.

"Lim Changkyun and.... Lee Jooheon."

I froze. I felt my whole world fall apart. Well not literally but just enough for me to realise I've been partnered with the biggest bully in the school and my worse nightmare.

Well this was a great start to a Monday.

When the bell rang to signal last period that monstrous human came up to me.

"Hey Kyun," he greeted with that dimpled smile that I've grown to hate.

"Don't call me that." I said in the flattest voice I can. It's only been 2 seconds and I want him gone.

"Yeah yeah whatever, about the project." He continues with a dismissive hand.

I sigh.

"I'll do it, it's fine don't worry about it." I reply while rolling my eyes not letting him finish his sentence. I knew what he was gonna say anyway.

"Actually I was just going to say we can work at my house after school." Or maybe I didn't.

I looked at him warily.

"You don't usually help with projects." I stated cutting to the chase. No need to talk to him any longer than needed.

"Yeah, but I just thought I should start you know." He looked away and scratches the back of his neck.

"You're house is fine." I say while standing up and leaving.

I already left before he had the time to respond. I didn't need to hear anymore. We were in the same class last period so it's not like We'll need to plan a meet up or anything.

----------- (cut to last period) -----------

I enter the class silently dreading when the time comes for us to leave. I know I should be happy to leave school on a Monday but how can I when I have to hang out with that baboon.

I sighed sitting down at my usual seat. Quietly enjoying the silence that is until someone sat beside me.

Confusion washed over me as I was pretty sure my seat mate for this class was off unless this was....

I looked slightly to my right only to see a glimpse of red. And that's all I needed before I slammed my head again the solid wooden desk.


"Wow are you okay dude?" Great just great.

"Of course I just really like this desk and thought I'd pay it a visit."

"By smashing your head on it?"

"Don't question me."

After that we were pretty much silent the rest of the period. Sadly after what seemed like a couple of minutes the bell rang and I sighed.

I looked to my right and there was Lee JooHeon, the person I hate the most, smiling at me.

"Come on let's go work on this project!"

Oh boy.

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