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Dania POV
"Jelena, ¿Por qué siempre te vistes como una azada? Ponte algo de ropa"
"Ay Mami, I am wearing clothes go away."
I laugh at Jelena and her mom arguing.

"Leave my girl Rosa alone always being mean to her."  I say sitting on her bed.

"She always harassing me." She says as she rolls her eyes.
"Anyways how's Drew?" She ask giggling.

"Very funny but he still texting me on some
bullshit talking about that girl his cousin. I don't kiss my cousins like that." I say staring at my phone.
"Maybe you need to get a new man so he'll leave you alone."
"Please I don't need to do anything but block his crazy ass. Besides I'm not looking for anything serious."

"You only say that when you can't find anything serious." Jelena mumbles. I snap my head towards her.
"If I did I could don't play." I say flipping my hair getting up to charge my phone.

Jaheim POV
"Aye Josh!" I run trying to catch up with him.
"Wassup Heim." He daps me up.
"Your lady Jelena right?" He nods his head sipping on his water.
"Who's that girl she be hanging around with?"
"You mean Dania?"
"Yea yea. What you know bout her."
"Nothing really just that she single." He smirks looking at me knowing what I'm doing." I chuckle telling him to hook me up.
"You know I got you bro."

~next day~
I see Dania arrive to her locker and fix myself up before approaching her.
"Hey Dania." She turns around with a confused look on her face. "Hey.."
"Jaheim." I say licking my lips at her.
"I just wanted to tell you , you look amazing and your very beautiful." I admit looking at her body. I look up at her seeing she has a stale look on her face.
"Look Haiem. I appreciate your compliment but your game wack as shit bruh. My own cousin got better game then you." She locks her locker and walks off.

Dania POV
"Jelena, girl can you believe he tried that you beautiful mess."
"I mean his approach might've been míerda but he is still cute as hell.
"So what besides he look like a basic dude anyway."
"I don't know about basic mama. My cousin Sonya bestfriend Gina said her girl Teetee let him hit it and Teetee said he broke her back in alright!"
"Wait Teetee use to be skinny but hella thick now Teetee?" I ask sitting up on the phone.
"Yep. I mean you said you ain't want nothing serious. Why not just let him fuck?" I thought about what she said.
"Shit guys do it all the time why not flip the roles."
I laughed and said I'd call her later. I threw on this outfit and headed out.

I was walking down the block minding my business when just my luck I ran into Andrew

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I was walking down the block minding my business when just my luck I ran into Andrew. My ex I can't stand with a passion I started speed walking hoping he wouldn't notice me. "Aye Dania." I heard him yell I stopped in my tracks about to turn around when I seen that boy from school walking with Josh. I speed walked over to them. "Hey Josh and Jakeim." I mumbled looking back seeing him walking this way.
"Wassup Dania. Where Jelena at?"
"At her house waiting on her dick appointment she being grumpy go handle that." He chuckled nodded his head walking in the direction of her house after he dapped Jahkeim up.
"You know my name is Jaheim right?" I nodded my head.
"Yeah I know, just screw it up for fun." I said as I walked into the store with him following me.
"Why you keep blowing me off?" He asked gently pulling me back.
"I'm just not interested." I said staring up at him and turn around grabbing an Arizona and a bag of chips. I walk over to the counter seeing Andrew waiting on me like a creep. 
I place my stuff down rolling my eyes. Out of all niggas why did I fuck with his ass. Damn.
"I see you avoiding me Dania."
"Clearly you don't if you speaking to me."
I say grabbing my money.
"Nah I got it." He places a 10$ bill down looking at my outfit. I feel someone arms wrap around my waist and they push Andrew money to the side and hand the man money. "Nah bruh I got it." Jaheim says looking down at Andrew.
I chuckle grabbing my stuff and walk out.
"Who that fu ass nigga?" Jaheim ask walking with me.
"An ex of mine but you know I could've paid for my own stuff?"
"I know but I wanted to." He says looking at me.
"Thanks. But don't think you getting some out of that."
"I don't want none . I offered didn't I?"
I nod my head as we keep walking and talking.
"So I hear you got a birthday coming up."
"Yea what about it?" I say stopping in front of my building.
"You having a party?"
"Why you asking so many questions?" I place my hand on my hip.
"Just be ready by 9 on Sat I'm picking you up."
"Who said you were invited?"
"You having it at my brother club I don't need no invitation. Just be ready." He says walking off. I know this boy ain't just tell me what to do. I walk up to my apartment placing my belongings in my room.
"Who's that boy Dania?"
"A boy from school dad."
"The hell he want ?"
"Nothing don't stress." I kiss his cheek heading upstairs.

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