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On a Sunday morning, I get a text from Mark saying, ‘you need to be on the flight for Tampa to do a live show at 7.00 pm’ so I just wanted to go to H&M to get some clothing for the journey to Tampa.

When I arrived, some fans came over to me because they wanted me to sign their things. Then I saw Ashley. I remember her because somehow Dean made me pass by just kissing me at the signing yesterday. Ashley came over to me only to cry as usual and she asked me to sign her forehead. Yes, FOREHEAD! She also asked me to sign her arm. Do you think she could be obsessed with me? ‘Cause I do. I checked my watch once again and it said it was 16.00 and I only arrived at 13.00. Also, when I was signing the NORMAL fans (A.K.A fans but Ashley) it only took me thirty minutes. That Ashley. Taking up two hours and thirty minutes of my time. But, finally I decided to go and shop for clothing to get ready for the live shows and interviews in Tampa. I bought about ten tank tops, three shorts, five skinny jeans, a pair of black converses and a pair of white converses. I checked my watch once more and it said it was quarter to six. So, since I had time, I agreed (with myself) to go and fetch some Nando’s to go.

Once I got home I grabbed my little red suitcase to fill it with my clothes, shoes, underwear and pyjamas. If you don’t know why I got so much it’s because we’re not staying for a day, we’re staying there till it’s NXT Takeover, and NXT Takeover is where I’m going defend my NXT Women’s Championship against the owner of the phrase ‘All red everything’, Eva Marie.

I entered the airport and went into the waiting room. Then I saw Alexa Bliss, who is the new NXT diva, and I went over to her. I remember when I was the newbie that everyone picked on. But now, everyone is treating her like she’s a princess. So unfair! I chatted to her only to find out that she’s a really nice, girly, glitter-loving person. I then heard the man or woman through the microphone say that the flight for Tampa, Florida is up and running. Alexa grabbed like, fifty glittery suitcases and I only had like two of my little red ones. I was going to sit next to her when I saw a seat and it said, ‘Especially reserved for Lucy Marie Arnold or Lucy Lockett’ and after reading I instantly sat down, put on my headphones to listen to music from my iPhone 5 and tried to sleep. But before I was able to close my eyes, someone pulled out my earplug and screamed hello very loud, maybe loud enough to deafen me. I turned my head around 90 degrees only to see Dean. I wonder why he always acts like we are the best of friends. Well, I guess I’ll never know. I put my headphones back in when I was interrupted once more by someone saying, “Oh my gosh! It’s you! Lucy Lockett!” I turned around again and I saw the annoying Ashley. I put my hood on my head, slid down in my seat very slowly, put my headphones in ears, put volume extra loud so that I could block out all the loud noise around me. The plane ride was hell. But it wasn’t done there. Dean once again pulled out my earphones and started to flirt with me. He then grabbed my iPhone 5 and held it in the air and said, well yelled, “Who wants a FREE iPhone 5?!” But luckily, I somehow found a way to reach his hand and take my phone away from his strong grip. He chuckled and said, “I’m only messing babe,” I took off my hood and firmly said to him, “Don’t you ever call me babe. You two-timin-” and then I was interrupted by Dean crashing his lips onto mine. I pushed him off me and he started teasing me and said, “Don’t fight it Lucy. I know and you know it. You want me to be yours again,” I then pushed him to the side by his face and he grabbed my knee and squeezed very hard and said, “Don’t you touch me because I’m capable of making your life a living hell!” I then budged more to the window, put my earphones in and enjoyed the rest of the flight by finally falling asleep…

Day 1, Week 1, Monday

Tonight in Tampa, we had a live show and I was going up against Alexa Bliss, and by the way we were still rolling on the WWE Network, just not live television. I wore the black shorts, white converses and black and white stripy tank top I bought from H&M on Sunday. I really want to become friends with Alexa. Also the people that are also on this tour are; Roman Reigns, Seth Rollins, Dean Ambrose, Kaitlyn, Kelly, Eva Marie, Emma, Paige, Adrian Neville, Sami Zayn, Natalya, Raquel Diaz, Summer Rae, Layla, Connor O’Bryan, Alexander Rusev, (or Rusev as they call him now) Lana, (To accompany Rusev) Tyson Kidd and me, Lucy Lockett. So a lot of people are on board on the wrestling train. CHOO, CHOO! Sorry I’m just being my weird self. I took a selfie and posted on twitter, ‘on the wrestling train. CHOO, CHOO!’ and I linked my photo to it. In like five minutes it got like 99+ favourites and 134 retweets. Also I gained twenty more followers and I checked who they were. When guess who I see @AshleyLockettDevon is now following me. This girl is really starting to creep me out and get on my nerves at the same time. Did she really have to put my wrestling name apart of hers? Really Ashley? That’s just going to far. I then got a DM and it was from Dean. SIGH Does he love me or something? I just think that because he just keeps noticing me and flirting with me and kissing me in random situations. Or as always, it’s part of his mind games.

After that long morning of me sitting on my bed, talking to myself and daydreaming, I finally arrived to the place where NXT was being held. I actually got changed in the divas locker room this time I was just ignoring everyone and chatting away to Alexa. She then asked me this “Would like to become best friends. Or as I like to call it, glitter buddies”, and after she said that I heard some of the divas snigger at Alexa’s comment. Kelly, Eva, Paige and Kaitlyn (A.K.A The Mean Girls, even though Paige and Kaitlyn aren’t exactly girly girls) burst out laughing. Alexa suddenly got angry but I calmed her down. Finally, when we both got ready, we wished each other good luck on our match that was coming up in like five minutes. We walked up to the gorilla and Alexa went first.

Alexa Bliss versus Lucy Lockett:

Alexa made her way to the ring when suddenly, my music cut off hers. I walked down the ramp with my championship in my hands. Once I entered the ring, Alexa and me shook hands and locked up. I pushed Alexa back onto the ropes and ducked when she came towards me. I lay on the ground and put my feet up in the air but Alexa countered by doing a nice walk over handstand over my legs. I rolled over to get up and locked up once again with Alexa. Alexa then got me in headlock and did a mini hip-toss. I then moved my legs to her head and did a scissors submission. She then kipped me did an arm drag and put her knee in my back. I flipped her over my body, gut kicked her and threw her against the ropes. When she came towards me I also did an arm drag into a surfboard submission move. She countered that by using her flexibility to her advantage and flipped me over her head. I rolled out the ring and she went for a baseball slide. But, since I saw that coming, I grabbed her legs, pulled her on the outside and clotheslined her to the ground. I rolled her back into the ring to cover her but she did a small package roll-up pin. I kicked before the referee said three and I clotheslined her once again to the floor. I went to the top rope to do Pain Lockett but Alexa moved me go rear first into the wooden mat. She then did a cartwheel over my body and stomped on my stomach and covered me. But, being the strong person I am, I kicked out at one. She then went for a cross body but I caught and did a backbreaker. She clutched her back in pain and I covered but she kicked out at two and a half. I picked her up and irish-whipped her into the corner and did a running clothesline but Alexa sidestepped making me go face first into the metal turnbuckle and did a schoolgirl pin. I kicked out at two and Alexa successfully did the cross body she attempted earlier. She then did a cartwheel over me and did a body splash but, I kicked out at two and a half. I was thrown into the corner and Alexa tried to hit me with the handspring back elbow but I knee’d her back when she came closer to me. I then picked her up and hit her with HeartBroken. I was going to cover her but a fan screamed, “I love you Lucy! You’re the best diva ever!” and I looked in the crowd to see who it was. I then found out who it was, Ashley Devon. Being the clever person she is, Alexa did schoolgirl pin and got the win. I stood in the ring shocked as Alexa celebrated her victory. I seriously hate that Ashley girl. I grabbed my title and held it up in the air on the stage to indicate the NXT Universe that I was and forever will be the NXT Women’s Champion. Match ended, Alexa Bliss wins!

I walked backstage to congratulate Alexa on her well-deserved win and we got changed in the divas locker room. As I exited the locker room I bumped into Ashley. “Ashley? What are you doing backstage?” I asked.

“Um, backstage pass. Du’h!” She reminded me that fans can get backstage passes at any type of major WWE show. “I just wanted to say that Alexa didn’t deserve that win and that you should’ve won. She’s only a newbie and she’s a really terrible wrestler” Ashley said.

“Don’t talk about Alexa that way! She’s my glitter-buddy!” I said, realising that I actually said the words ‘glitter-buddy’

“Oh sorry. If I knew she was you friend I wouldn’t of said that. I promise. I wouldn’t want to hurt your feelings. You’re the best diva to ever live” She exclaimed.

“Yeah, you’ve said every single times we’ve met. Are you stalking me? Why can’t you go and fan girl over The Shield or something?” I asked, starting to be annoyed of her presence.

“Why would I fan girl over someone who is an enemy with you? Have some common sense Lucy Marie Arnold. I’m you’re number one fan!” Ashley said. I ignored her by just walking off and going into the tour bus where everyone was. I entered my bed and took a nap after this long, glittery day. #Number1Fan

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