We Need A Miracle

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Okay, guys. We have a very serious prayer request. My best friend's (CommanderDiamondShot) best friend (Jessica) has a brain tumor. They say there is a 90% chance she won't make it, and that the tumor has wrapped tentacles around her brain (if I remember right?). So please, everyone pray that God will heal her. Pray that God will perform a miracle to astound the doctors, and pray that He will use her in this to be a witness to those unsaved. Pray that He will use this to strengthen their faith instead of them leaving it behind. What doesn't kill you makes you stronger, after all! And here as Christians, we all believe in miracles, don't we? Indeed, we do! Let's pray that this will strengthen her, her family, and her friends. Pray that they will be encouraged, that it'll be made known to them that God only allows all of this to happen because He knows they're strong enough to endure it without leaving their faith. God knew this would happen way before earth was even created, and He knows exactly what will happen. Pray that instead of getting down in the dumps, they'll take the opportunity to be a shining light for Him! And let's pray that, like the song says, they'll be comforted to know that they're not alone. All around the world people are dying, but, all around the world, miracles are also being performed by the Mighty Hand on God. No matter what happens, God is with us, and He knows what He's doing.

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