Chapter Two

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Chapter Two

Jessie's P.O.V

I walked out of the studio and to my car, it had been a long, stressful, tiring day and I couldn't wait to get home. I got into the drivers seat and took my phone out of my pocket, I hadn't had a chance to look at it all day. I had a text from Holly and a direct message from the Rachel girl that had tweeted me about shower sex, I laughed internally, remembering her comically funny tweet. I opened the text first; "Babe, I'm so so so so sorry, but you know we had planned a holiday to Australia next week? Something's come up and I can't make it anymore, soooooooooooo sorry, hope you can find someone else to take my place :(" I sighed and cursed under my breath, our holiday to Australia was the only thing I had to look forward to for weeks! "It's fine.. I'll find someone..x" I didn't want to hurt Holly's feelings, but I also knew there was nobody else who would be able to make it. Instead of working myself up over it I opened my direct message from Rachel "Ohh, recording anything new for us?" I was just about to write a reply when I had an idea, why not just ask Rachel to come to Australia with me?! It was a long shot but I'd already paid for both the tickets and the hotel so there was no point in it going to waste, and it's not like it would be kidnapping or anything, I'd read in her Twitter bio she was 17. "I might be ;) Hey, this probably sounds completely nuts, but I was planning to go to Australia next week with Holly (I figured she'd know Holly, considering she was a Heartbeat) and now she cant make it, would you like to come instead?"

I drove home, kicked off my shoes and flumped down on the sofa as Jackson came running up to me. "Hey little guy" I said, picking him up and resting him on my chest. Just then I got a reply from Rachel "Uh.. I don't know Jess, I dont think I can afford it, and school will moan if I take too much time off.. I'll end up having to move back in with my parents"

"It's already paid for babe, don't worry about that, do you live alone then? I'm sure your school wont mind.. it's only for a week.."

"Yeah, I live alone, have done for about a year now.. I don't know Jess, I've got exams coming up in a few months.."

"Can I have your number, so I can ring you?"

She sent me her number followed by a smiley face and I called her almost immediately.

"Hey, it's Jessie"

"Hey Jess" I couldn't help but notice how hot her accent was, but she sounded sleepy. I glanced up at the clock. 1am. I hadn't even realised how late it was when I left the studio.

"Oh my gosh, I just realised what the time is, I'm so sorry, I'll call you tomorrow instead if you want?"

"No.. it's okay, I've got a load of free periods first thing tomorrow morning anyway"

"Okay.. Listen, pleaaassseeeeeeeeeee-" I dragged out the word please more than necessary "- come to Australia with me, I wont have anyone to go with otherwise"

"Uh I dont kn-"

I cut her off "You know you want to, a free trip to Australia with none other than Jessie J, what's not to like?"

She giggled and then sighed "I just think there's other people who would deserve to go more than me.."

"No! There isn't! I want you to come!"

She giggled again "Fine."

"Great, we leave on Wednesday but you can stay and mine Tuesday night if you want, I'll pick you up?"

"Sounds great, I'll text you my address"

"Okay, I better go, Jackson wants feeding" Jackson had since wandered off into the kitchen and started whining for food.

"Okay, see you Tuesday, night Jess"


I walked into the kitchen to feed Jackson, if anything I was more excited for my trip to Australia than I was before. Don't get me wrong, I love Holly, she's my best friend, I just couldn't wait to get to know Rachel.

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