Senior Year is About to Get a Whole Lot More Exciting

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Alritttee; so im sorta new to this writeing pleassee dontt judgee mee hahaha:) okayy i hope u enjoy itt;)

Chapter 1

I woke up feeling like i had just been pushed of a cliff. My body was aching like crazy because just the night before i decided to finally use my Wii Fit. Yeah, well, it wasn't actually my idea to do it. My mom forced me to. She said that if i don't get my lazy butt off the living room couch pretty soon i was gunna have my cell and ipod taken away. So basically, i had no choice.

I got up off my bed and headed towards the bathroom. Dear God did i look like a mess! I have brown hair up to my waist which right now looks like a birds nest at the moment. I have brown eyes- boring i know. i always admired people with eyes like grey or green or blue. My were just plain brown. i took a quick hot shower and got ready for school. "ELIZABETH! GET YOUR BUTT DOWN HERE RIGHT NOW!!" my mom screamed.

I wonder what i did this time. Its not like im usually the kind of girl to get into trouble, i usually keep to my self most of the time. As i headed downstairs i saw my mom making coffee and i was wondering what she was doing up this late. My school is CRAZY. School starts at 8am so i have to wake up and get ready at 6:30.

"Hey Good-Morning" i told her. She turned around and glared at me. "WHAT?" i said i little to loud hoping i didnt wake my little brother. His name is Christian but we call him Chris for short. "DO YOU KNOW WHAT TODAY IS?!" she asked me.

Today? Whats today i wondered...Holiday?Birthday? Special Occasion of some sort?I really don't know.


Oh yeah. Senior Year. Wopp-peea!

"And? whats so special about that?" i asked her slowly hoping she would calm down a little.

"Dont you remember what i told you last night?" so said with a anger expression on her face.

WHAT IS THIS?! 2O QUESTIONS OR SOMETHING?! I dont need this crap from my mom on a monday starting my Senior Year.

"I dont know" i said

"Lemmi give you a hint" she said slowly as if i was an idiot or something which i wasnt because eversince 8th grade i have been workin' my ass off for good grades. So, im an A straight student.

"Jake Parker" she said.


How could i forget!?!? Jake Parker was this extremly hot guy at my school and my mom was his moms best friend for like....about...FOREVER. Anyways my mom( whos name is Jannett) told his mom (Amanda) that i had a hige crush on her son, Jake. WHICH I DONT! He is a complet jerk and pratically dates every girl at my school, well exept for the girls like me, WHO DON'T GIVE A DAMN ABOUT GUYS LIKE HIM. Everygirl practically throws themselfs at him.

Yeah, i get it hes hot,beautiful, and god-like but really. Have a little self respect. Jake really was gorgeous, i have to admit. He has green eyes that are amazing. I have never in my entire life have seen eyes like that before. He is strong, more like incredibly strong. Hes the captian of the football team may i add. So yeah practicaly everygirls dream.

So anyways, my mom set up a date with him and me later on today at 8 tonight. LIKE REALLY?!?! Why do i need MY MOM to set me up with a guy. HOW EMBARASSING!!! But unfortunetly, it has been decided.

"UGHHHHHHH!!!!!! MOM!!! WHY DID YOU HAVE TO REMIND ME!" i shouted and ran out door grabbing my backpack. I went into my car and turned the readio on so i would listen my favorite station z100. Yep thats me Elizabeth Canter and i live in New York. So hell yes i like z100.

I turned onto my schools parking lot and turned off the engine of my car. i got out cursing every word that came to my mind.

'Well look who it is" i look up to see Kyle's sky blue eyes staring down at me. "You know. Its the first day of Senior year and you should be happy" he said and i smiled at him. Kyle always did this to me. Whenever i came to school from a argument with my mom he would always know how to cheer me up.

"Hey Kyle" i asid giving him a smile. He gave me a smile back.

Now that i really looked at Kyle, i realized hes pretty hot. He has amzing eyes that could make you melt in his hands. He has a perfectly tan body and hes ripped he was wearing a white t-shirt with jeans. I was wearing faded skinny jeans with a hot pink t-shirt and converse.

We entired my school and just the person i needed to see came up to me.

Jake Parker.

"Hey Liz" he said. Practically everyone called me Liz..i looked and him and just walked away from him pulling Kyle with me.

He was the last person i needed to see today. "Good Morning to you to!" Jake shouted after me

God help me. Today was gonna be a long day.


SOOOO:) whud you guyyss thinnkk!!!

yeah i know i probably sucked but i trieedd!!!

anywayss pleasee VOTE&&COMMENTTTT<3

Love you alllll(:

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 09, 2010 ⏰

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