Chapeter Two

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Lucas's POV

I stay in the village the rest of the day hoping to see Maya again. Sadly, no such luck, but I plan to go again!

Once I get back into the castle, I see my father talking to the Duke and Duchess, I can't believe I forgot about that. My father spots me, and walks over with our company.

"Ah, here's Lucas. We were just talking about how soon you'll rule over Wales." my father puts on a fake smile, knowing I left.

"Yes, but I become king once you've passed, which most likely won't happen in the near future..." I add, doubting what I said.

I say this only because just a week and a half ago my father found out he has some sort of internal virus that will eventually kill him. He just won't tell others since one, he's too proud, and two because once his people know he's sick, well, that's the end for him.

"Here, dinner is almost ready. Lucas, why don't you get cleaned up, it looks like you've been with the horses. In fact, while you clean yourself up, I'll pick out your outfit. Just a moment please." he informs the Duke and his wife.

He leads me to my bedroom, "Where the hell have you been? It's been all day and the Duke's daughter has been going mad since she wants to meet you! When I lied saying you were hunting she decided to leave! That means there goes our chances with the Duke and his money! Look what you've done son, you need to learn that your actions effect others!" he finishes.

"I know that, and I do apologise. I was just so sick and tired of everything being planned out for me, I just wanted one day where everything was spontaneous and adventurist!" I try to inform him. Unfortunately for me, he wasn't even paying attention. This is going to be a long night.

We head back downstairs and everyone is waiting for us at the dinning table. My father and I sit and we all start eating. All the people around me are making conversation, well I'm over here thinking about Maya. Everything goes back to Maya.

My thoughts are stopped by my father asking me about my plans, I'm not quite sure what about since I wasn't listening, so I just wing it.

"I'm sorry, my plan for what?"

"Your plan for when you become "Lucas, King of Whales"' the Duke tells me.

"Ah, you see, I have time, so why rush anything." I reply back.

The Duke laughs, "My dear boy, how will you ever be a loyal and successful king if you act like this. Travis, you should've had another son, one that truly valued the thought of being king." I value becoming king, I just want to live my life now, rather than worry about the future.

"I guess you're right William, my son usually doesn't think before he does, which is not a good trait to have when becoming the king." my father nonchalantly says, looking my directly in the eye.

What he said really hurt me, I'm going to be a great king, I just want to know how to value my people by becoming one of them!

"I'm all finished, I think I'll just leave since you're already talking like I'm not even here." I say.

Maya's POV

It's about eight and I still have three dresses I need to hem, plus two others I need to work on the skirt for. That means for me, I will be here till one or two in the morrning. There goes my chances with Lucas.

All day I've been thinking about him, where he is, what he's doing, if he's thinking about me. God, I must sound like a mad woman!

Anyways, as I'm working the front door opens.

"We're closed!" I yell from the back.

"Oh, my apologies. I was just looking for a Maya, are you aware of where she may be?" the stranger shouts back. After he said that he was looking for me, I head up to the front. I'm faced with the only person I wanted to see right now, Lucas.

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