Chapter 18: Abandoned

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Location: Salvatore Lawn

it was daylight, and the birds were happily chirping. Although the sun was out, across the sky you could see the white outline of the crescent moon. The May flowers were a beautiful pink, and made Elena Gilbert look even more stunning than usual.

Damon Salvatore and Bonnie Bennett sat next to her on the ground, looking overjoyed. Bonnie's eyes were wide, but it seemed like she hadn't slept in a long time.

Damon kissed Elena on the top of her head. "It worked. You got your memory back."

"Oh my god. Well, what have I missed?"

Bonnie and Damon exchanged wary glances.

"Should we tell her, " whispered Bonnie, facing away from Elena. She turned around, but only after Damon nodded his head yes. 

Damon began to speak, not quite sure how to phrase things. "Elena, this morning... something happened."

Elena tilted her head, and then gasped, her face pale with horror.. "Oh please don't tell me that Jeremy is dead, or Aunt Jenna. They are all I have left."

Damon shook his head sadly. "Elena, your family is fine. But... this morning, Stefan and Alison-- -they...."

Tears fell down Elena's face. "No. He-He couldn't, he wouldn't do that to me. Stefan loves me. Bonnie, say it isn't true, that it's one of Damon's pathetic ploys to win me over."

Bonnie then shook her head too. "Oh, Elena, none of us thought that Stefan would ever hurt you, that his love for you was true. But... They kissed. I'm so sorry."

She cried for a few more minutes, and then cleared her face. She refused to allow herself to be upset; she wouldn't give Stefan the satisfaction. Rage swept through her veins. She walked over to a tree, and saw a fallen branch. She took the pocket knife Stefan had given her out of her pocket, and began to scrape it into the shape of a stake.

Damon walked over, alongside Bonnie. "Elena, what are you doing?"

"I-I'm putting an end to their relationship."

"Who are you killing?" His eyes grew glassy, as he was heartbroken to see Elena this way.

Elena glared at them, and began to walk towards the house. "I haven't decided yet."

♡ - ♡ - ♡

Location: The House

Stefan and Alison sat on separate sides of the couch, both sick to their stomachs at the thought of what they'd just done. Some time passed, and the tension between the two of them only grew worse. Finally, Ali spoke. "I'm so sorry, Stefan. The truth is, I don't have any feelings for you. I just think I haven't been around other boys for too long."

Stefan laughed miserably. "I could say the aame with you. Elena was gone, that must have been it. I was just missing her so much that I must have thought you were her."

An angry Elena walked into the room, carrying a peachy wooden stake. It was perfectly carved, in the way that only a professional would know to do.

A single tear fell down Stefan's cheek. "Elena--"

"No, Stefan. You don't get to do that, say my name as though your voice has any meaning to me. It doesn't. Not anymore."

"Elena, please."

"I loved you through everything. When I found out what you were, when I found out that you had an asshole brother and an ex-girlfriend who is out to get me... and this is how you repay me? I- I can't, I won't, you can't, we can't-"-

Elena broke down in tears, and Stefan reached forward to stroke her cheek. She slapped him across the face, leaving a cherry-colored marking on his skin.

"I'm not here to forgive you, Stefan. I'm here to end this. To end her."

Alison gasped, and tried to flee the room. The second she hit the doorway, however, an invisible shield blocked her. Bonnie and Damon sat next to it, as Bonnie happily boasted about how her powers had grown.

She huffed. There was no way in hell that she was letting some doppelgänger make her cry. "It was a mistake, Elena. Get over it."

Her jaw dropped. "Seriously, Alison, no apology for kissing my boyfriend?"

"What is there to apologize for? He kissed me just as much as I kissed him."

Stefan glanced at Alison, and his muscles relaxed. Her personality had heightened with her change to a vampire, so her need to prove others wrong had been heightened alongside it

Elena sighed. "You are done, Alison. Damon, help me out."

Damon flashed into the room and held Alison's arms, and looked at his glaring brother.

"Please, Damon, don't promote Elena's violence, this person isn't her."

"Well, I happen to like Elena, violent or not. She's a big girl, she can handle herself."

As Elena pointed her stake at Alison, moving it toward her, Stefan knew what he had to do. He slid in front of Alison. "If you want to kill her, then kill me too."

Elena showed no mercy for the man she had once loved. "Okay." 

She began to move the stake towards Stefan, but then stopped, her eyes as emotionless as a stone. "Leave. Both of you. Before I change my mind. Leave Mystic Falls, and never come back."

Stefan's eyes turned glassy. "If that's what you want, I'll do it. I'll pack my bags now. Goodbye, Elena."

Stefan and Alison walked upstairs, leaving Elena, Bonnie, and Damon in silence.

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