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"Thank you for today."

You bowed at your manager and the rest of the agency members before closing the door. You typed a message to the other members of your unit that you were done for the day and will be going back home. As you were waiting for the elevator to arrive, someone had called you out.

"Ah... Mitsuru-kun..." you looked over to see the teal-haired boy, together with his partner, Makoto. "Done for the day?" You asked.

"Yeah. And you?" 

You nodded. "Oh yeah, we visited Ryota the other day." Mitsuru told you.


"You know, since they debuted with Tsukino Productions, Makoto here wanted to talk with Koki." he said as he pointed at Makoto, "Those three sure had the guts to leave the agency."

You shrugged, "Well, they've been wanting to debut. So, they probably took up the risk and left." 

"Oh yeah... You didn't know they left the agency, right? You were out of town."

You nodded.

When Ryota, Ken and Kou left the agency, you and the rest of the members of your unit, were in Okinawa for a music video. You didn't have the best phone signal nor internet because you kept moving from one island to another, so you didn't hear anything from Ryota. The only time you found out was when you came back from Okinawa, when you wondered where he was and the staff members told you that he, and the other two, had left. 

The next thing you heard about him was when he debuted under Tsukino Productions, of course, you sent him a congratulatory message, but you two didn't meet up afterwards. His unit, Growth, became a popular group together with SOARA, another group that had debuted with them. 

You let out a sigh, you stopped by a music store before heading back home and was surprised that majority of the promotional aids were from Tsukino Productions, 'I knew that they were famous, but this... is more than what the agency usually does.' you thought to yourself before heading to an aisle.

"Hm?" you noticed that one particular album had Ryota and another person was on the CD cover. "XLied?" you muttered to yourself, "Ah." you remembered that one of your teammates listens to the units under Tsukino Production and told you, and the other members, that they had released an album series called XLied, where each member will have a solo song, "This must be Ryota's..."

You went over to where you can listen to the albums on the aisle and took the headphones from it's hanger and proceeded to listen to his song. As you listened to his song, you felt yourself smiling and mused to yourself, "Ah~ Now I have to work even harder~" 


Ryota waits in line to purchase a movie ticket, 'Hm... What should I watch...' he thought to himself. He was with the other three earlier that day, and since they didn't have anything planned afterwards, they went their separate ways. He looked over the movie posters and saw that one movie starred you in it, "Ah..." he remembers Ken mentioning that you were going to star in a movie. He also remembers Mamoru asking who [Name] was, to which before he could reply, Ken answered, "Ah, she's from the agency where we originally were in. She normally invited Ryo out during their free times."

He, of course, immediately denied everything Mamoru would try of even think about his relationship with you. 'I guess I could watch it.' he thought to himself as he proceeded to tell the man in the ticket counter the movie title you were in and paid for it.

He entered the cinema theater where he headed towards his reserved seat. The movie soon starts and the first thing he sees was you in the screen. He could tell how your acting greatly improved since he last saw you. It was a drama/thriller/crime movie where your character is part of a special crime force and the assistant/kouhai to the male lead. Your character dies in the climax, and Ryota was amazed by your acting.

As Ryota left the cinema theater, he smiled to himself as he looked once more at the movie poster, and remembers when he had first worked with you, "You've gotten a lot better, [Name]."


The two youths softly smiles to themselves before heading back to their respective homes.

Even if it was in the past, the feelings I had felt then... will never disappear.



Anywho, last chapter bUT 2 extra/special chapters coming up. 

1st one will be the first meeting/job together and the other... still thinking about it

Idk if you guys realized it but, from chapters 2 - 7, are all when ryo was still in his former agency (and their slow blooming relationship lol), this chapter and the 1st one, is the present(Growth) time.

The extra/special chapters may or may not (depending on how my writing will get across orz) explain that last italicized line up there haha and basically the hidden/blooming relationship between two, despite still keeping their rivalry in check~ 

So yeah, look forward to the last 2 specials~ 

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