A 180 Degree Turn [BoyXBoy] Chapter 2

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“Hey,” Gabriele mumbled.

“See.” I turn to Keith smirking triumphantly.

“Hey, queer. Heard you skipped gym earlier. Did you get a hard-on and decided to jack-off in the girl’s room?” Alistair, my jackass cousin, said as he sat on our table with his older girlfriend, Vanessa hanging on his arm, snickering. Yes, this dude was supposed to be my beta.

D’Angelo didn’t even bother to acknowledge and that ticked Alistair off.

“You gon’ ignore me now, fag? Think you’re tough without those girls backing you up, huh?” Alistair rose from his seat. D’Angelo still ignored him.

“Heel, boy.” Keith said to Alistair.

Alistair was about to talk back, but someone from the football team came to our table telling Alistair he needed to meet up with the coach. He reluctantly got up and shot Keith and me dirty looks and rough brushed past D’Angelo who didn’t even budge or acknowledge him. He must’ve been used to these.

“A’right, I’ll give you my first command. First, you are to sit at this table from now on until the end of the deal so I won’t have trouble searching the world for you. M’kay?” I turned to D’Angelo again.

He looked unsure and I may be guessing because you could barely see his face. He nodded and told me that he had to inform his friends first. When he left, many of the people from our table began complaining.

“What do you mean he’s sitting on our table?” A girl named Cherry asked.

“No way is a fag sitting on our table!” Apple, Cherry’s older sister whined.

“Are you out of your mind, Dyl?” Josh, from the basketball team, said.

And many more complaints and questions. I told them he was my gopher for two weeks. Gabriele then came back to ask if I needed anything else. Sheesh. Someone looks a little grumpy.

“Get both of us lunch.” I told him indicating to me and Keith.

“What would you like for lunch?” He asked, his face still covered by his hair.

“Surprise us.” Keith answered.

Giving him the money, he went in line to get the food. Just as he was out of sight, four hot ladies walked to our table, regal as always. This time, Keith was struck speechless as Gabriele’s Three Musketeers stood in front of us. The whole canteen became quiet and a lot of people from our table gawked at them. A bunch of cavemen…

“We heard from Yelle,” An adorable redhead began talking. She looked Asian, but her red hair looked natural. Is that even possible?

“And so, since we can’t leave our baby alone-” one of the blond twins said.

“-to fend himself from a bunch of savages,” the other blond twin continued the first twin’s sentence. This sentence caused some girls from our table to hiss at the twins.

“We’ve decided to sit with him. No questions asked.” The little redhead finished calmly. Although nobody spoke on our table, you could feel happy vibes coming mostly from the guys. They even had wide grins on. That…is scary.

“Problem?” A pretty girl with black hair and blue eyes snapped and growled at us.

I just smirked and replied, “No. No problem at all.”

The redhead sat down our table first, next to Keith (he was ecstatic so she must be Hailey), separating them and the people of our table from them. Then, the blond twin sat next, leaving a space, maybe for Gabriele and the other twin occupied the last space. The black haired girl remained standing and said she would get theirs and Gabriele’s lunch.

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