She must have been desperate, to think an intoxicated person would give her valid directions.



Racing through the jungle, Cassandra's heart beat rapidly with panic. She had to fix her mistake. She had been tricked, by both parties it would seem. The only difference between them being that she didn't care about what Peter had done. She still loved him.

Green blurred in her vision as she sped past the tall plants amongst the trees. Her legs burned as they catapulted her further and further along her journey. Her ears perked as she heard the rustle of bushes nearby and she skidded to a halt.

"It... it was just a kiss." Emma's voice floated through the air.

"I'm sure Neal will understand."

Cassandra bent over, trying to get her breath back. Were they having a mother-daughter chat about kissing at a time like this?

"If he's still alive." It seemed Peter had revealed Neal's presence on the island. Only then did it hit Cassandra that she hadn't told Emma earlier he was alive. Oh well. They knew now anyhow. What she wanted to know was why Peter had told them. She shrugged it off, she would find out later. He must have had something planned. The boy always did.

"Emma, I get what you're doing, you know. You don't want to open yourself up to the hope that he's still alive, but you should."

Slight respect for Emma rose within Cassandra. The restraint to not blindly believe Peter, just because Neal's life was hanging in the balance. The ability to push down your heart's desires was admirable.

"Why?" Emma queried. Cassandra shook herself from her thoughts. She'd been overanalysing a lot recently. The fault of Neverland's visitors, they had brought out the internal conflict within her. She needed to think less, act more.

"Because you deserve a happy ending, Emma. And happy endings always start with hope." Snow responded simply. Screw hope, it had never gotten her anywhere. Cassandra shoved through the final barrier of leaves that separated her from the pair.

"Speaking of hope." She grinned slyly. "I was hoping I could have my locket back now."

"Cassandra." Emma said, startled.

"Good to see you too." She walked towards them. "I upheld my end of the deal. So, can I have the locket?"

"Uh, yeah sure." Emma said quickly, caught off guard by the girl's blunt speech. She reached for her neck, slipping the chain over her head.

"Swan!" Hook's voice burst into their conversation. "What're you doing!" Cassandra growled as the man rushed forward, snatching the locket.

"Hey!" Emma snapped. "It's not how it seems. She helped us. The locket is hers. We're giving it back."

"What do you mean she helped you? I told you, you can't trust anything she does or says. She's almost as bad as Pan in that regard." He glared at the girl, anger radiating from him.

"Hook." Emma's firm voice commanded his attention. His gaze flickered to her. "I know you don't trust her. But she really did help us. She told Henry we were coming to get him. We know she did. We owe her."

"She's right, Hookey boy." Cassandra's smile was overly sweet. Hook lurched towards her but was yanked backwards as Charming grabbed his shoulder.

"Why would she go against Pan? She has no reason to betray him."

"Ask her yourself." Emma stated. Hook slumped in defeat causing Charming to release his hold. Hook looked to Cassandra, the question swimming in his eyes.

I Trusted You (Peter Pan)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin