Walking Hurley + Walking Rocky = Disaster

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It had all started out as a plan of convenience. With Lisa and Ali having just left to go away on a girls only weekend, the boys had decided to return to their bachelor roots and watch the Friday night football match at Ant's. Dec had planned to just spend the night since the game wouldn't be over until late and they had made tentative plans to go golfing the next morning. They admittedly hadn't had a sleepover in ages and the idea had actually been Lisa's but Ali did her own fair share of pushing the idea too. In the end, they both just shrugged their shoulders, saying, "why not?"

Ant had gone to the shops to get some steaks to grill with all the sides while Dec took it upon himself to take both Hurley and Rocky on their evening walk. It had actually been quite some time since he had taken both dogs out but he was willing to give it a go, especially knowing he'd be returning to a delicious meal, courtesy of Ant.

He told Ant that he was going to Hardington Park and wouldn't be longer than an hour...maybe an hour and half. It would be dark, either way, before he'd be back, giving his friend plenty of time to prepare their meal. The entrance to the park wasn't more than 2 or 3 blocks from their homes and there were well lit trails that followed a creek at the bottom of a steep embankment that encircled the entire park. There were beautiful flower gardens during the spring and summer and the fall foliage was always gorgeous...even the winter months had their own charm.

Now it just so happened that the trees were losing their leaves and the variety of colors was staggering. Even in the fading light, the bright hues seemed to glow all on their own and Dec couldn't help but admire the colors as he walked down a trail that he had frequently brought Rocky.

He rounded a bend and found himself to be walking directly into the setting sun, slightly blinding him. He pulled his sunglasses down off his forehead as he carried on a one sided conversation with the dogs as they neared the embankment. There were a few areas where there was very little more than a short rock wall between the sidewalk and the drop off and they happened to be at one of those areas when suddenly, Hurley stopped in his tracks, turned completely around and began growling at the woods behind them...then, not two seconds later, Rocky began to bark shrilly.

"Boys...shh...boys," Dec said, not wanting to draw any attention, he gave the leashes a tug as he chastised them but his words were drowned out by the continued growling and barking. With a sigh, he bent over the dogs only to be pulled completely off his feet when Hurley took off like a rocket, chasing something. Dec and Rocky didn't stand a chance as he slipped on wet leaves quickly losing his balance and stumbling toward the wall. Dec immediately dropped his dog's leash to keep Rocky from harm, but couldn't get Hurley's leash handle over his left wrist fast enough. As a result, he heard a distinct pop before excruciating pain overwhelmed him as his hand finally slipped through the leather strap. His shoulder, and elbow were wrenched terribly but his wrist was dislocated and useless. The combination of the blinding pain, being off balance and Hurley's sheer strength had pulled him hard enough that the momentum carried him right over the rock wall. With a yelp, Dec tumbled head over heels to the bottom of the embankment where he hit his head as he landed, his body twisted into an awkward position, half in and half out of the creek.

Ant had arrived back at the house not too long ago and had begun to prepare the grill. Just as he was ready to light the flames, he heard scratching and whining at the back garden gate. With a smile, he went across the yard and opened the gate expecting to see his friend and the dogs but to his surprise he only had two muddy dogs and no Dec. The dogs raced into the yard while Ant walked around the side of the house in search of his friend only to find he was no where in sight. He quickly ran back through the garden gate and into the house in the hopes that maybe Dec had come in through the front but still...no Declan. Ant took a deep breath.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 26, 2017 ⏰

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