Letter 8

19 3 0


We had a memorial at school for you 

I spoke. I didn't think I could but I had to. 

"She was... beautiful. Maybe not a lot in looks but she was beautiful in every other way. I know a lot of you hated her. It was me though. It was me who almost kissed her. I am glad I didn't though. She was my best friend. I know she probably doesn't want me to share this but I have to. I have to tell all you assholes who she was. 

Her dad hit her. A lot. He would hit her for every single thing. Her mother hit her too. That's why she always had bruises. I avoided her when she got them because I was scared. I was scared to ask her how. I was scared of the answer. 

I am angry at myself because I ignored her and now she is gone. I know that she wasn't a big part of anyones life but she certainly had a tough one. A tougher one than most people ever will. Most of you will never experience as much pain as her. She was sad and didn't think anyone would miss her..." 

That is when I stopped. I couldn't go on. It hurt too much. 

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